主题: Teardown
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Hey Team, I noticed that our rules that are for hammer only says that it's just a glitchless category but it doesn't state what is defined as a glitch, I know that people who have experience with the game should be aware of what they are but newer runners may not, I'm unable to make any adjustments to the rules myself but I think we should just add a bit of text stating what is considered a glitch, in the rules for fullgame runs it does say "no glitches such as prop boosting" but that's it, I know we have a guide saying what is considered a glitch but I think we could add what's considered a glitch to the rules of the glitchless categories just for clarity, this has only really crossed my mind recently, let me know if you think it's a good idea!

Dem008 喜欢这个
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

I use OBS for games that require splits and I use the video capture software on my computer for most runs, it's just called NVIDIA and it has a capture function that works well, yeah I just use my NVIDIA capture mostly and OBS when I need to, and yeah I'm in the same boat as Patatoes, I only really know how to use those two personally.

Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

I like the way that idea works for the category, I've been trying to think on how to make it work as well with no luck, though this way you're talking about is just a workaround for the idea, a clever workaround I'd like to add, I would like to have the leaderboards easy to read for all levels of runners and this would be slightly confusing to some I'd assume but I'm on board for this category idea either way, you've already thought about what I was going to bring up about how to incorporate it with as few hiccups as possible and this method would do just that, I think it's safe to say if you wanted to add this category it would be happily accepted into the mix and if there's any issues with it we can always take it down if it doesn't work as planned. To illiterate I believe this is a fantastic idea and the things that I'd be worried about shouldn't be an issue so I'm all for it!!

Patatoes 喜欢这个
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Very very cool Patatoes, thanks for putting in the work on the leaderboards, they look great and I've always wanted them to look like that, you are a saint amongst men! Thank you for your great work!

Patatoes 喜欢这个
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Took on the challenge, managed to get a 19.61sec after about two hours of grinding but the deed is done. Now the question is can it go lower??

Patatoes 喜欢这个
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

I hope to see a run that has game audio soon so I can put it on the leaderboard, best of luck!

通关记录: Anger Foot (Steam)
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Hey Patatoes, moderators shouldn't be verifying their own runs, please leave your runs for other mods to verify in the future, thank you, sorry for the inconvenience

通关记录: Anger Foot (Steam)
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Hey Patatoes, moderators shouldn't be verifying their own runs, please leave your runs for other mods to verify in the future, thank you, sorry for the inconvenience

Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago


I have officially looked at every submitted run to the steam leaderboard and ALL runs on this leaderboard are in the steam version, I noticed that some of the runners had their setting low so the game didn't look great but they were all undeniably playing on the correct version of the game.

Two things that are a dead give away, one was the timer on the top left on the screen, steam version has pink text and itch.io has green text, and speaking of the text they are in different fonts for each version as well, then secondly, the end of the level, the screen where it shows your time and kills and etcetera, the two versions have very different end screens so again two things to prove all runs uploaded here are valid, as of right now anyways, we'll try our best to ensure that this won't happen, as we have been doing, and if it by chance does happen then please let us know as you did today, thanks for keeping an open eye for us and best of luck if you plan on doing any runs!

Patatoes 喜欢这个
通关记录: Anger Foot (Steam)
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

I hope Patatoes doesn't see this, followed by Patatoes note. Excellent, just excellent

Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

I do like the idea of a pacifist category, as we had this conversation about making this category in the other version there were two things preventing us from doing so ultimately, one was the difficulty factor, some levels are easier to do while others were very challenging, we may not kill any enemies during the level but there's multiple levels where the enemies can kill one another so with those levels not only is there a difficulty factor but there's also a luck factor at play.

And two, the other thing was if we cannot perform a pacifist run on any particular level then we'd have to find a way to work out how to input two separate variables with submissions, one for kill count and the other for the time, I've tried to do this change myself but it's tricky and I still don't really get how it works, and while working on making that change the leaderboards don't show up at all and if not done correctly they also don't show up, so you can see why it hasn't happened as of yet.

Again I am excited for this category to become a thing eventually, I'd love to hear from other runners to see if others are also excited, I would also like to keep an open mind for any other category ideas that anybody may have!

Patatoes hextape 喜欢这个
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Also impossible for me, jokes aside I too would like to know what runs you mean, I'm going to look through myself right now, there's only about a hundred runs or so shouldn't take too long.

通关记录: Anger Foot (Steam)
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Lol very funny, I mean it is a very relatable feeling right there, we love to see it!

Nimmin 喜欢这个
通关记录: Anger Foot (Steam)
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Hey Patatoes, no worries this time but in the future you should refrain from verifying your own runs, mods shouldn't verify their own runs, if you leave them there for me or one of the other mods it should be verified soon enough

Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

As of today all of the Steam Version runs that were on the Itch.io leaderboards have been moved over to the correct leaderboard, and with this all of the steam leaderboards from the Itch.io leaderboards have been removed since they are no longer needed.

This process has needed to happen for a while now but it is now done, thank you all for the patience and my apologizes for any inconveniences, thanks again and happy speedrunning!

Patatoes 喜欢这个
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

As of today I have moved all the Steam Version runs from this leaderboard over to the new leaderboard that was made for the Steam Version, after this process was completed I removed the Steam Version categories from this leaderboard since they are no longer needed, and just to point it out all of the runs that were removed from this page today were moved before I deleted them, all runs are safe and sound on the correct leaderboard.

This process has needed to happen for a while now but it is now done, thank you all for the patience and my apologizes for any inconveniences, thanks again and happy speedrunning!

Patatoes 喜欢这个
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

Here's another reminder that we have separate leaderboards for each version of this game, please help us by submitting your runs to the correct leaderboard page, thank you everybody!

Here's a link for the Steam Version leaderboards: https://www.speedrun.com/anger_foot_steam

Patatoes 喜欢这个
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

So as for moving over the runs from the itch.io version it's going to be just copying and pasting, so just getting the URL and the runner's name for each run and submitting their runs then just verifying them, after that whole process is done we can delete those categories from that leaderboard, then just to be safe we can also put up a post in the forums saying so, also we can direct any steam runners that find themselves there by leaving a link for them to go to the leaderboard for the other version.

I've got the time right now, I'll start that process now and I'll give an update when either I'm done for the day or if I manage to complete this process.

Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

I like the idea of having drinkless runs, we were just talking recently about adding other categories to the leaderboards, but yes something to consider is how it would affect the leaderboard or other categories, we don't want to have too many categories but I believe that in the near future we should try to something for a new category, it's just a matter of what makes the cut.

I agree with Patatoes about waiting to see if others also like this idea, the more demand for any particular category makes it much more likely that it could become an official one eventually, I think a solid new category for any game should be to stray away from the "normal" playstyle or by doing something unique or just silly, this drinkless idea does make for an interesting run, you've got my vote, but I'd still want to wait to see if anybody else wants this to be a thing, or if anybody brings up a different idea for something new.

Also Noras, I like the way you phrased that post, got a laugh out of me!

ytilaeR Patatoes 喜欢这个
Washington, USADylenoyer941 year ago

I like the sound of the categories to start, and I also like the idea for some joke categories down the road!

I think that any% plain tekkies sounds good for a main default category, besides you have to unlock the extra shoes in the first place and new runners probably won't have those right away so I think that works great!

And then for the timing I personally like the timing of when the "thanks for playing" shows up but the other option isn't bad either, both would allow us to accurately time runs.

Patatoes 喜欢这个
5 years ago
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