EnglandDendris3 years ago

I don't know how, and I don't know why, but as far as I can tell Golyak becomes unkillable using the Firefly method with either the Free-For-All Pack or the Getting Busy Bonus Pack (and I'm going to assume this is the same for having the Four-Play Pack installed). This happened on the Xbox One S with an Xbox 360 disc, in case that's relevant.

For reference, I'm referring to this method:

The tactic is to hit him with the first Firefly shot so he falls, and then he can be killed on his way down with more shots. This only works if he stays by the edge (i.e. he doesn't run away).

Older NG+ attempts I still have on my hard drive had 20 shots at Golyak (where he never ran), and 13 times he fell (65%) so he had a chance of dying. The amount of times he ran away with any of the DLC installed was 25/25. Not a big sample size but I'm not willing to try even further hoping it's just a long fluke.

So unless another strategy works faster for him, NG+ and his Time Trial needs to be done without DLC for the best strategies as far as I can tell. This also rules out using the Racecar instead of the Supercar for Sovetnik/Romanova, which would've been ~3.5-4.5s time saved while Firefly Golyak is ~6s faster than Shotgun Golyak (without factoring in swimming over Rabotnikov to make it even faster).

If anyone can confirm or deny they're experiencing the same thing, that would be appreciated.

EnglandDendris7 years ago

Something I've noticed between the versions of the game is that the saucer animations lag more (or seemingly at all) on Xbox 360 (using the Xbox disc) compared to Xbox, PS2, and the PS4 port (I don't know about PS3).

For now, I based my observation off of Turnipseed Farm as the landing and take-off animations appear consistent no matter where they're done (I recall the times being unchanged when taking off from 'The Lone Gunman' mission).

The approximate observed times (Takeoff | Landing): My Xbox 360: 22secs (21secs at TheUnbiasedGamer's angle, not furonwarrior's) | 24secs (Ariel Torano's angle) TheUnbiasedGamer's Xbox 360: 20secs | 23.5secs () Furonwarrior's Xbox: 15.5secs | 17.5secs () (Landing from 'Earth Women are Delicious': []) Ariel Torano's Xbox: 15.5secs | 17.5secs () Austinthegamer's PS2: 15.5secs | 17.5secs ('Earth Women are Delicious' intro) () James Best's PS4: 15.5secs | 17.5secs ()

The strange thing is the times appear consistent regardless of location or angle change on all versions except the Xbox 360, which I believe is poor emulation at this point. So the change in angles on lag is likely nonexistent or irrelevant outside of the Xbox 360, and a second of difference doesn't mean much thanks to the slow turn radius of the saucer, so it's rarely likely to be worth accounting for.

My Xbox 360 appears to be a little slow also, but even comparing to TheUnbiasedGamer there are still seconds of difference. Using my 22secs takeoff and 24secs landing animations (because they copied the other versions' angles more accurately), there is still a +2secs difference between takeoff and landing, and appears consistently ~6.5secs slower.

To put this into perspective, there are 27 landing and takeoff saucer animations in the Any% run (including cutscenes, which might have dialogue that lasts longer than 17.5secs, negating the version differences somewhat): -My Xbox 360 wastes a projected total of ~175.5secs. -TheUnbiasedGamer's Xbox 360 wastes a projected total of ~148.5secs (if taken as a consistent ~5.5secs each).

I'll need to revisit at a later date and crop & compare my and Austin's PBs to see what the overall difference is and confirm/refute my suspicions.

Also if anyone has knowledge of version differences in general and can offer some insight, that would be appreciated.

For now I don't know about load times as I can't test these because I need footage of definite mashing A/start or X/start through loading screens on the other versions.

The rapid fire glitch for the Quantum Deconstructor used probably only saves 15secs on Roboprez, but I have no reason to assume the other versions can't do it (unless it's bad Xbox --> Xbox 360 emulation at work).

TL;DR: For anyone interested in running the game, at least based on the saucer animations, I would recommend not running on Xbox 360 unless that's all you have and don't mind potentially throwing away 2.5-3 minutes RTA. Also use a different console and get your free WR. 4Head

RE_Snow 喜欢这个
EnglandDendris7 years ago

The rules define the time range as: "Timing starts after character select, and ends at final cutscene."

Just to clarify, does "final cutscene" mean the last gang's extermination cutscene, or the full "city cleared" cinematic that comes ~5 seconds afterwards? I ask because I would assume the latter, but Blues' NG+ run (the only reference) is timed to the former.

EnglandDendris7 years ago

I was hoping for feedback on proposing a 100% category, which is viable through the Invasion Report (stats screen). Proposed criteria: -Complete all 22 missions. -Collect all 184 probes. -Purchase all 18 upgrades. -'World overlord Complete' at 100%.

The 184 probes make up 13,800 DNA, and all of the upgrades in total cost 22,150 DNA, so an extra 8,350 DNA needs to be collected throughout the run. The probes: -Turnipseed Farm: 25 probes. -Rockwell: 30 probes. -Santa Modesta: 50 probes. -Area 42: 24 probes. -Union Town: 25 probes. -Capitol City: 30 probes.

The upgrades: Zap-O-Matic: 2,500 DNA

  1. 250 DNA
  2. 750 DNA
  3. 1,500 DNA Disintegrator Ray: 3,400 DNA
  4. 400 DNA
  5. 1,000 DNA
  6. 2,000 DNA Ion Detonator: 4,250 DNA
  7. 500 DNA
  8. 1,250 DNA
  9. 2,500 DNA Psychokinesis: 5,000 DNA
  10. 500 DNA
  11. 1,500 DNA
  12. 3,000 DNA Death Ray: 1,500 DNA
  13. 500 DNA
  14. 1,000 DNA Sonic Boom: 2,000 DNA
  15. 750 DNA
  16. 1,250 DNA Quantum Deconstructor: 3,500 DNA
  17. 1,000 DNA
  18. 2,500 DNA

If grind is a worry, there are many 50/100+ DNA targets along the way through the missions and levels, and I've recently found a disorientation-anal probe combination that allows 2-shotting (instead of 3-shotting) Majestic agents, making them the best reliable DNA targets, at least at maximum notoriety. So, if done correctly, actual dedicated time to grinding should be fairly minimal.

I would also note the post-game yields 50% more DNA from extracted brainstems. However, to activate post-game the unskippable final cutscenes and credits must be watched, which is ~7 minutes long. So the grind period would need to be initially over 15 minutes to justify grinding post-game.

The 'World overlord Complete' statistic is the 100% metric, where all six levels in the game have their own '[level] complete' statistic, when they reach 100%, so will World Overlord. Completing main missions, collecting probes, and unlocking extras increase these percentages. Upgrades don't increase the percentages.

Collecting all of the probes and completing all of the missions also completely unlock various sections of the game's Archives (extras screen) for further confirmation of a complete 100% run. Relevant sections: -B-Movie Theater -Furonigami - Some Assembly Required -Furon Propaganda

ROMaster2 oreoplaysthings 喜欢这个
EnglandDendris8 years ago

I've been testing this game for a little while now and - even though this is on the Xbox 360, so I can't say for any playstations - I can safely say this category can easily be dropped from a sub-2h to a sub-1h30m RTA by using different routes and more aggression. Seeing as there's a video of a run here I was hoping to get some headway into putting out a faster time on video (I don't have a capture card, so I'm not going to be posting anything any time soon).

There are various tricks (not really glitches, the game is still mostly being played vanilla) to speed up various missions: -Many instances where you're asked to scan/hypno/follow a character, you can actually ignore or skip it (such as Miss Rockwell, Bert Withers, the mayor in "Alien Pool Party"). -During some downtime/autoscroller sections of the game (Pox's speech in "Televisions of Doom" and the projector in "Teenage Zombies from Outer Space"), these are very convenient times to farm DNA, to the point that over 300 DNA can be gathered between them to forego later probes. -Destroying emplacements early on-foot like in "South by Southwest" and "Furon Down" should save considerable time for the saucer later on. -There are civilian-tier humans that drop 100 DNA (or if you're lucky: 200 DNA) brainstems when live-extracted, like mayors and military generals.

There are many other strats of note, but I'd rather not write an essay if I'm the only one posting. I've already posted something like this on the SDA forums, but the DAH! thread there seems a little too inactive over there to get any real discussion started.

ROMaster2 喜欢这个
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