Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos1 year ago

Update on the GBA category :

The GBA game (Astérix & Obélix : Bash Them All or Paf Par Toutatis) contains 2 "semi"-games, we never think of running the "Astérix & Cléopatra" part, but some runners might have the opportunity to do it so. Plus there is apparently a bonus level in GBA if you get 2 codes that are at the end of both "semi"-games (It's still under investigation, cause I currently practice it), which can be a real Any% for the game itself.

Thinking of that, we decided with a supermod to create the GBA game : https://www.speedrun.com/aobta

I will add Astérix & Cléopatra and Any% once we find out how it can work. So Any% (GBA) should disappear from this leaderboard, unless you think it's useful, for some reason.

主题: Sockventure
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos1 year ago

I changed some things on the categories of the game and accidentally destroyed the individual level runs, you can resubmit of course. Sorry for that :(

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos2 years ago

Hello there, I see some activity on PS1 game of the license. I never played those games, i just tried GB game as a challenge, so I prefer to upgrade someone as a mod rather than validate runs i can't really understand. Would someone volontier ?

主题: Sockventure
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos3 years ago

Yeah kind of agreed with that, they didn't respond to my mail too. I'm trying a last shot on steam forum maybe. Let's validate your levels PBs ;)

主题: Sockventure
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos3 years ago

I've just changed my runs to RTA times, i'll sure do other tries to improve them, don't wanna time them.

What do you wanna do for level runs? As u own all src wr on them, I think you can pick the choice :

  • Keep the times like that: Time is not accurate, but no livesplit needed, can be insteresting for new players, and if there is an update, we can create a v1.2 category
  • Retime each runs : Can be a bit long, not really ms accurate, but times accurate, and if there is an IG fix, we will be ready.
主题: Sockventure
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos3 years ago

Autosplitter works for my 2 computers, I think we can change to this timing method

主题: Sockventure
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos3 years ago

It seems not always the same. The timer is working correctly when you are doing nothing. It seems the problem starts when you move, or when environement change. So 2sec time is not always the same, depending the level you are going throught and the skills you got.

However, there is a big problematic of keeping the IGT of the game. If the game is updated, and the timer is fixed, the time we've done with some advantage will not be beatable and that sucks.

Other problematic, now that we have an autosplitter, is for NG+ categories, cause the recap of the time is not shown at the end, same for "All Socks NG", in which u need to come back to levels to get socks. The really great point is we don't need to calculate anything at the end of the run, which is so cool !

主题: Sockventure
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos3 years ago

I've just done the autosplitter, so now we get a real IGT, I think we will use it now. It means we'll have to change the times in the different categories.

主题: Sockventure
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos3 years ago

Hi here, I've made some decisions alone about this game, and i'm not really sure they are the right.

I've looked about something really strange today. The timer in game is absolutely not accurate. For all the people who have submitted times (in levels or complete runs) and for a minute, there is ~2 seconds deficit.

If we continue with this in game timer, we respect the timer in game, but it really don't show the performance we have really done "in game", since this is not the "normal" seconds in it.

My opinion is we need to get our IGT, to really show the performance, but this put a huge problematic about calculating. I'm trying to get an IGT for livesplit, which will be a so cool tool, but haven't done it yet.

What do you think about it guys ?

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos4 years ago

I say yes for both. GG for the improvements u've done with yout partner in the coop run mr_sis. I really never thank that this game was beatable with no game over on this mode !

主题: The Site
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos5 years ago

Hello, I would like to request LB-moderation for "Hugo : The Evil Mirror". (https://www.speedrun.com/hugo_tem) The only moderator is still inactive, I've requested my runs more than a month ago. Rules are, for some categories, not set, so I can fix that. Thanks for your time !

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos6 years ago

Hey thanks. For real, i think doing a 100% run with star and coin has no sense, it would be like a playthrough, that's not interesting to see it as a performance. 100% wich means "discover all the game" is for me the best. It can be runnable, cause u have just to look about 10 stars every level, so u can have some strategies and routing. But i think 100% add really poor things to an Any% run. If the term "100%" seems strange for you, we can rename it as "All stars", but i'm not sure it's useful. As an exemple: In "Zelda Alttp", 100% category is just collecting all hearts and all items. We don't care about chests which are not interesting for the run.

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos6 years ago

Wow traviktox this WR! This last split of Romain Camp was so beautiful! Maybe some things to change, but deathless and under 30 just GG

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos6 years ago

I think a sub 30 deathless is really possible. I'm not doing the "Pirée Jump", it will maybe harder for me, but with 2 death we are at 40 sec to 30, just need to improve 10 secs some things and this can be sub 30. I was thinking about bot RNG on Olympic games.I've the impression that faster u run, faster they run, not sure of it.

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos6 years ago

I see ur run, (in *2 this is strange when u come back to the game). That's sad u died at "Camp du desert" but this is really what i think could be a representative WR of this game!

I've tried ur assumption, but ... hum i think there will no rock which can let us go on the column. And this will be really RNG, so dunno.

I'll try to train a bit the run, will see what i can do :)

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos6 years ago

Yes i've looked up the catapult! Going to look your new WR so :) i don't really understand ur assumption, but i think we can find somethink like glich with the trick u find. Cause i think the computer is lost with the thing that u're not allowed to moove cause ur using A longly but u have to moove cause u got catapulted. I think the perfect run would be only one death at "Camp du desert". Maybe it can offer sub 30

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos6 years ago

Hey, GG to mr_sis and travistok new world records. I've some question about some tricks on the run (looking at travistok's run, dunno if mr_sis used it):

  • In the second part of "La traversée" (after the introduction), the bird is not appearing on the first time u use the rock as trampoline. It always come for me (2:53 in WR)
  • In the segment of "The pirée", there is a trick of jumping just before climb, and u don't fall too hard that save 4 seconds, which is enormous. i've tried for 15 minutes, and i don't find how to do that, il always jump on the platform just on the top (14:20 on the WR).
Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos6 years ago

Hum i'm really bad on finding glitch so i really don't know. Thks and btw i've beaten my PB for 20 sec, will be posting soon. For the moment i'm thinking on doing under 31 30 as WR, i'll see after if we find something as glitch. Would be so interesting if we can find glitch for olympic games ahah. EDIT: I've tried too and i found nothing

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos6 years ago

Hum, there is no pb i think on easy categories, but it's maybe harder on the next levels so dunno what to think

Midi-Pyrénées, FranceContos6 years ago

Olympic games sucks so hard y. I've looked your run and a TAS of a 2 players run. I think u'll win like 30 seconds with dying only one time. And Few strats are new in the TAS. I think i was really optimistic with sub 30 xD

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