Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

I've heard mentioned by some good runners and online that a Gameshark is great for practicing/learning this game, and would prove beneficial. Can anyone point me in the right direction as far as what model of GS, as well as tell me what exactly it can assist with? Thanks in advance.

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Hey gang, I have a few questions for this title. Firstly, is the Japanese version (Violence Killer: Turok Generations) allowed for submissions? Its essentially the same game except it has Japanese voices and a few different weapon icons I believe.

Secondly, does using the expansion pack effect times at all? Slower? Faster? Any input is appreciated.

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Hey gang, I was looking into picking up the Japanese version of SM64, and came across info on a rereleased version called "Super Mario 64 Shindō Pak Taiō Version", that apparently adds rumble feature and English voice acting. Would it be better to obtain the original Japanese version? I take it to mean the English voice acting may include Peach's opening letter read, which we all know only serves to slow gameplay down lol.

Anyone have any info? And know how to distinguish between the original version and this other one?

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Hey guys, so when I donated I uploaded a pic to make my Custom Icon, and now nothing I do will let me change it. I reverted back to the coin just bc Im sick of the other one. Anyone know how to upload a new custom pic?

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Hey guys, I have a few questions, and seeing as how 80% of the most recent posts are from me I figured I'd condense this down to one post lol

Anyways, does anyone have tips for how to fight G4 with Claire? I know apparently you can run to left to the corner of the tubes and get Birkin stuck jumping, but I haven't been able to find a video of anyone accomplishing this, and when I tried he ended up grabbing me from above and glitched me above the tubes (stupid asshole lol).

Also, how does one do the elevator trick in B scenario (for Leon, if it makes a difference) where you can stop him from moving to the center of the elevator in the lab? And also the variation where he reloads? Havent been able to replicate this trick. Thanks in advance guys, finally moving on from Leon A and need to be prepared.

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Hey gang, so Im looking to acquire my first PC this Christmas (I know...28 years old and have yet to own my first computer...its tragic! Lol) and am having some difficulties knowing what exactly to look into spec-wise for what my needs are. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated.

I dont plan to be doing anything too crazy, I basically just need a set-up that can capture PS1/2 & Gamecube runs, and also can handle running some older PC games (stuff such as Resident Evils 2 & 3, maybe some SNES emulator stuff for fun). I already know the monitor and capture card I want, I just need help deciding what actual PC to get that's cost-effective and can handle these basic tasks, bc as I said it doesnt need to be up to running games by today's standards. Just games from like 2005-6 and can capture my console runs without issues.

A bit embarassing to ask a question like this, but as Ive said in these forums previously Ive never been big on PC gaming, so Im a little PC ignorant when it comes to terms/jargon, specs, models, etc etc. Thanks in advance for the help! Greatly looking forward to finally capping some runs and getting on the leaderboard's top 10.

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

I apologize in advance if this isnt the correct section to point out something like this, but I just noticed something a little odd to me, and I'm hoping for some clarification.

In watching one of the runs on the site, I noticed a glaring problem right at the start of said run, something that would shorten the length by some 20-30 seconds. It seems an entire cutscene that would need to be skipped never even started to play. The game just starts right at the action lol. I thought hmm maybe the person who verified it just missed this? And then I look and the runner who submitted the video is also the one who verified it lol. Something about that just seems fishy as Hell. Im not looking to call this person out, Im just wondering how a run can be a WR run if the only person looking it over for problems is the person who made it?

It was my understanding that since our videos are the only means of verification that if anything (no matter how small it is) is wrong/suspicious about it, then thats a major problem. This video has an entire section missing that afaIk cant just NOT happen lol.

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

I apologize in advance, as I know this is a very rookie question, but Im new to Director's Cut (only classic RE's I've played seriously are 2 and C:V). I got a copy today, and was bit by 2 zombies pretty early on. I look at my health and boom..DANGER! Am I missing something? Do zombies always do the bite 3 times animation, or did I just not mash out or something? I tried mashing but it didnt seem to shorten their attacks at all.Never played a RE where 2 bites drops you to Danger.

P.s. I was playing on Normal not Arrange, so its not like they were dealing extra dmg.

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Hey gang, Im brand new to capturing and very PC illiterate haha. I can figure out how to get the USB2 working once Im hooked up to it, as there are instructions for that much. What I need to know is how to hook up to it, like apparently I need a splitter and cables but Idk which ones, this may seem like Day One stuff, but as Ive said Im brand new to this. Suggetions please?

(To be specific, I need to record Resident Evil 2 for PS1 played on a PS2. I have an HDtv, but theres no lag when I play. Its just as good as a normal tube TV).

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Are you allowed to Pause Cancel in a non-glitch run? It doesn't count as a "major" glitch, does it?

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Ive been drawn to maybe trying the GameCube version, mainly due to its cleaned up character models minus all the horrendous clipping thats on the PS version lol. Can anyone give me a rundown of differences that pertain to running this version? Does playing on the Wii affect anything? Ive read its a little faster. Thanks for any input here, after seeing how great RE2 looks on the PC Im looking for the next closest thing on console. The clipping really does bother tf outta me lol.

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

That thread title sounds like a Donkey Kong Country level lol. Anyways, does anyone know what causes the Croc to run right over the canister instead of picking it up when this goes wrong? Is it doing it too late (as I suspect) or too early? I've done myself a disservice by not making a save to practice this from. Was having a great run and of course thats what kills me. Smfh

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

To what extent are you allowed to set up your B scenario file for run attempts? Certain things will change such as Croc/Marvin being dead, the cord closing shutters, etc etc. What is and isnt allowed?

Secondly, would anyone be a pal and point me to a good Leon B run that has commentary explaining their reasons for doing things/tips? Cant seem to find one and it sucks lol. Thanks!

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

I need big-time help if anyone is willing :)

Can some please explain to me how to use a capture card to capture PS2 games? Like even how to connect to my PS2 and TV. The exact model of card is the IO GV-USB2 (recommended to me by Carcinogen I believe), Im just very computer stupid and stuff thats obvious and known to alotta gamers in 2017 is over my head :/

I can probably figure out how to run the capture card once connected as theres a guide for that, I just need to know how to connect it the best way to the PS2 and TV without frame drop, etc etc. Do I need a splitter or 2? I can get 12th at least on the RE2 leaderboard if I can submit my runs. Thanks!

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

So I just completed my first TRUE speedrun of US version PS2 RE2 (Leon A). Final time 1:28:36, which crushed my former PB by like 18mins lol. Its amazing what you can learn in a week's time (this was not only my first speedrun but it was the first time I had played in like 2 weeks, was out of town ughhh!)

Anyways, had alotta good luck and RNG was extremely favorable to me, however I get to G3 Birkin, run behind him and pop off 3 Magnum rounds and not only did he bitch slap the Hell out of me but he didnt transform...what gives? I thought he changed after 3 shots in US? Was I just too late running behind him and getting set or what?

P.S. Whats hilarious is he slashed me into the perfect spot to shoot him a 4th time (upon which he did transform), and catch him in the loop where he jumps up on the tubes and just keeps jumping up there lol. The time I hit the train was pretty insane (cant recall it though, but every shot I fired normal shotting at 100% speed after he jumped up there hit him, and I was in Fine running to the Train, so do the math I guess).

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

I've CONTINUALLY felt like a buffoon this week, asking such simple, Rookie-ish questions here lol. But I'm new to this, and am VERY computer/technology illiterate...I mean it's bad...VERY bad.

So my question is, what is the criteria for submitting a run? Can I just capture it and send it in (which even as simple as that method is I dont know how to do lol), or does it HAVE to have a Timer/Splitter displayed somehow? I can already tell from reading about them in the forums that those will be a NIGHTMARE for me to set-up/use. My inability to adequately use PC stuff is why I've always STRICTLY been a Console gamer. Also, I see it suggested to Watermark your video to prove it's you/deter theft of Runs, and I wouldn't know how to do that either :( I'm beyond embarassed gang.

Can someone give me the requirements? And perhaps direct me to a thread that can give a Novice step-by-step instructions? Thanks SO MUCH in advance, this is very important to me, and I need help to do it by the book.

Bomba_Nemesis LoanSharkJoe 喜欢这个
Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

2 questions, first is pretty standard. Is it necessary to QuickShot G3 w/ Magnum when you run behind him to trigger his G4 transformation? Or can it be pulled off with normal shots? (I play US version, thus it only takes 3 shots to trigger his transformation).

Second question is about something VERY strange (and seemingly ridiculously untrue) I read in an otherwise pretty sound GameFaqs guide. It stated that when you mix up a brown herb (G+R+B) not only does it fully heal/unpoison you, but that it grants you a few frames of invincibility. I have never in all my years of playing classic RE games heard of this (although, nor have I been able to test it either as I'm away from my console this week lol). This is malarkey, correct? Haha

Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Just purchased a slim PS2 (model type SCPH-70012) as I'm gearing up for my first "serious" Leon-A run on Resident Evil 2, and from what I've gleamed this particular PS2's PS1 Driver is pretty good at improving times via its FDS (I think the current WR even utilized a Japanese 70012). I'm just excited that I'm one small step closer to my personal goal on my fave game (which is a sub 1:15:00 run). A far cry from the WR, but simply a personal goal I want to meet :)

This site has been so inspiring, I'm so thankful I decided to take this on!

607, HowDenKing 2 其他 喜欢这个
Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

This may be common knowledge for some, so if it is, excuse my ignorance lol. I know your character has 200 HP total, but at what HP do they drop to Caution, Orange Caution, and finally Danger? I would assume Caution is somewhere around 100, bc doesnt a Licker head chop do 100 dmg and instant kill you if you're anywhere below Fine? I've seen some odd situations that have lead me to question if a Licker chop does in fact do 100 dmg like the Damage Chart says (this is all pertaining to American Normal mode btw, aka Arrange Normal "AN" in the Damage Chart).

Secondly, I've read/heard that certain attacks do less dmg if their hit causes you to drop a status level (i.e. a Licker swipe doing less damage if its hit would drop you from Fine to Caution). Does anyone have a list of known examples of these situations? Or is it all attacks, and dependent on their base dmg?

Thanks in advance for any help, I'm researching the HELL outta Leon A in preparation for my first speedrun attempt. Lol

Tanky 喜欢这个
Texas, USAConkyJoe896 years ago

Is this referring to the infinite healing item glitch that you activate via the Game Manual/Inventory trick? Like in a Glitchless run this isn't allowed? Or what is this "glitch" in question?

Rheinmetall 喜欢这个
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