主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum5 years ago

I haven't watched the video, but FreezardB claimed it had great in-depth commentary on the run. If you want to add it to the resources page so people can reference it for their runs that would be awesome!

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum5 years ago
  1. Twitch vods are perfectly fine, we just have to verify the video so any platform will do.

  2. As long as it's not a meme category and it's significant then we will add the category. So like if you wanted to do 100% (All Quests) and we don't have it listed for example we just need the proper rules and list of quests and we will add it np. Just needs to make sense is all. You can submit it here, or in the discord. https://discord.gg/u2tHBrm a lot of runners talk about stuff there.

  3. So for a long time the best times were based on glitched runs from base game version 1004 H2 if I remember right and it included things like Infinite stat gains, Infinite devotions, never ending auras, etc. When we got more runners together there was a problem with the idea of using Shadow Strike through portals since it's not a glitch, but it's clearly not intended. We agreed that for speedrunning it made the run more fun (and it only helps in 2 spots that are mundane anyways) so instead of saying glitchless we stated it was No Major Glitches (NMG). So pretty much anything that can massively skip sections like going out of bounce or clipping through walls would be part of the Major Glitches category (MG).

  4. I have watched GDQ, but never submitted for it. Generally they say that if you are a great runner or great commentator they will accept it. I am sure they would be willing considering this game has never been run at a GDQ.

Sorry about FreezardB rejecting the video. I talked with him about it on the discord which you can see the conversation if you join. He felt bad because you did such a great job on the video, but we felt it could give an unfair advantage and like other communities (that we try to be in line with) 3rd party mods are generally not accepted with very few acceptions.

I look forward to seeing more runs and would love to see the game in GDQ. Best wishes and good luck on the runs.

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum5 years ago

MG = Major Glitches NMG = No Major Glitches AoM = Ashes of Malmouth (Expansion content)

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum5 years ago

(Thanks to FreezardB for this post and copied from AoM Boards)

Hi everybody!

If you're interested in running this game and have any questions about any aspects of the run, currently the best place for information is going to be either my or Boarum's Discord server.

FreezardB Discord - https://discord.gg/My7QnEK Boarum's Discord - https://discord.gg/AbGyqux

We plan on doing guides/resources for the run in the future so stay tuned for that. ?

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum6 years ago

Sorry to hear about the frustration as I have had similar problems with several other communities on this site that impose law rather than being run by how the community wants it to be. In defense of the boards, but just being a bit outdated, the first glitch was found about 9 months ago and before that the boards were up for years and reflected a glitchless non-dlc run for each tab. It was just never a thing while the mods were very active. It's the reason why I mentioned that at least the Normal HC tab is completely glitchless still since we just never ran the tab after the glitches were found.

Also, on the discord end, I know when I ran the game only FreezardB and myself were doing speedruns so we just used my personal discord for all our theory crafting. If you are interested I will post a perma link below and you are welcome to hit me up anytime. I check my discord daily and FreezardB is still active there as well.

Happy Running and Happy Hunting!


主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum6 years ago

Also to note, we are fairly close to Zenavathar as we all stream and ran the game at one point, I am sure push come to shove we could convince him to add or modify one of the tabs to have all the glitchless runs on it. If not maybe I could convince him to mod FreezardB or myself and we could put one in that makes sense. Either way don't feel discouraged to run glitchless if your heart is into it. <3

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum6 years ago

I'd also like to add that I mentioned this as well and proposed that the Hardcore run of the game be a non-DLC (crucible) and glitchless run. Currently that is actually still true with my 1:12:49 holding the record spot, but technically the rules were never put in place. I still feel like that is the best spot for glitchless runs considering if you're going to glitch-in basically an infinite amount of HP it made the term "hardcore" pointless.

So if you want to compete with glitchless runs on the boards, or learn from our videos that would be a good spot. That and Gribboro's 1:12:55 was the original WR video that we all learned from before any glitches were found and before the crucible was worth doing.

FreezardB 喜欢这个
Washington, USABoarum6 years ago

That wasn't a rule when a lot of our runs were done which is sad now my runs are just being deleted, but oh well. At least someone is trying to mod this game, a lot of videos on here should be removed for various violations and timings which has been a plague on this game for a long time.

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

Boarum Approved! lol

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

I put my thoughts on my discord with Freezard, but will post them here. As long as the rules are well defined I don't care either way. Just need to decide if we will allow glitches or not. Most games in the Any% for speedrunning allow bugs and glitches from the game unless defined as a Any% (glitchless). Since we haven't really defined this category as glitchless I would say it's fair game.

Just my 2 cents

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

Agreed. If there is interest in doing glitched runs I would propose that those would go under a different category in general then the main ones.

The more specific the rules are the easier it is for people to join the ranks and not be confused. I know with some games I haven't joined for speedruns because the rules are not defined at all or grandfathered in and you would need to be a long time runner to know them all.

Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

Yeah Steam version with the latest livesplit

Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

I don't get any response from it. I used the easy split you had so 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. I added the extra layout to target the autosplitter file in livesplit. (edit layout -> Scriptable auto splitter -> target the file you uploaded). So not sure if I am just using the program wrong. Do I need to sync anything like opening BTD5 after livesplit or an extra options in livesplit?

Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

Speaking of which, I saw you added some resources for the game. I tried using the autosplitter to no avail. How does that work?

Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

I only bring this to question because rubixcubix and your videos (as well as others) stop the timers at last bloon hit where some of us, including me, stop it at the freeplay button as stated in the rules tab. Though everyone's videos is being accepted regardless of where the timer is stopped. I would just rather stop the timer like in your video. I just want to have it clarified in the rules. That way my video would be 2 seconds faster and we would be neck and neck rather than I being two seconds slower due to different stopping points. (though technically I still think you had a half second on me when the video is slowed)

Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

Click level leaderboard -> Monkey lane (for example) then at the top you will have 3 tabs (filter, view rules, submit runs).

Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

I've noticed that a lot of the world records don't follow the same criteria for each other. Some people stop the timers when the freeplay button appears and some people stop the timers as soon as the last bloon is popped. Since a ton of videos have been accepted that don't stop the timer on the freeplay button appearing, the rules tab should reflect this. Some times are just slightly faster because people are stopping their timers at different spots. Just want to make sure people don't get confused who do runs in the future (like I did). Thanks!

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

Yeah that's why I think adding a patch version box for submitting is the best route. That way people can easily identify which videos came from what as this game is going to be changing for a long time. Then I'd say, "Have at it!"

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

I had a thought when I woke up this morning as well. If playing older patches is approved at the very least we should have a new column under our submitted videos showing which version of the game the Speedrun is using. This would even be useful now so people can see which version of the game our videos are played on in general.

Just an idea, I just woke up so it sounds good right now, but might be total garbage I don't know lol.

主题: Grim Dawn
Washington, USABoarum7 years ago

It's ultimately up to Zenavathar. I mentioned it to him on stream. I know games like Hyper Light Drifter have actually 2 boards due to the major changes in the game causing times to be varied. I don't think we will have that problem here and we don't have enough volume I think to justify it (at least yet).

I wouldn't give up on yet, I think there could be some solid improvements in certain areas. Tonight I was breaking my record killing Cronley regularly. Though I also died in places like the gunners near Voldrak when I never do.

My concern is the possible slippery slope where going back to would be valid due to the nerfs on devouring swarm there as well. Though on the flip side I am also concerned that if they keep nerfing the way they do the times will never be beatable again.

Then of course we have 2 new classes coming, undoubtedly a huge range of re-balances with the next expansion, maybe even possible rework on story lines like an act 5 which will make all this in vain anyways. At least causing us for sure to have a split with pre-expansion times vs post-expansion times.

For now I am going to rock out the and see what's possible, but I am not opposed to your suggestion either. I will be curious what Gribboro and Zenavathar think on the matter.

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