Advanced Warehouse Guide
Advanced Warehouse Guide
更新时间 8 months ago Nami

Advanced Warehouse Guide

Table of Contents:

A Note


Section 1: Opening to 1st Boxes

Section 1a: Trigger Buffer

Section 1b: 360

Section 1c: Straight Jump (timing is important)

Section 2: The Roll-in and the Blind Grind

Section 2a: Rolling Down the Roll-in

Section 2b: 2 Grind or Not 2 Grind?

Section 2c: Jumping Down the Roll-in

Section 3: E and 2nd Boxes

Section 3a: Just Turn

Section 3b: TAS Jump to Platform

Section 4: 3rd Boxes to S

Section 4a: Just Jump

Section 4b: Kicker Boost

Section 4c: Christ Air?

Section 5: 4th Boxes

Section 5a: Straight Over the Transfer

Section 5b: Quarterpipe Grind

Section 5c: K Jump (Special Trick)

Section 5.5: 4th Boxes to K Jump

Section 6: Taxi Funbox (The A)

Section 6a: Ride Over

Section 6b: Jump Over

Section 6c: Slope Boost

Section 7: The Wall (5th boxes)

Section 7a: Hard Bump

Section 7b: Soft Bump

Section 7c: No Bump

Section 8: Endgame (Hidden Tape to T)

Section 8a: Soft Reset Buffer

Section 8b: Fastplant?

Section 8c: Tricks Matter (Barely)

Section 9: Backups

Section 9a: No A

Section 9b: Over the Pipe (No T)

Section 9c: Low Score

Full Script

A Note

This guide assumes you are playing as Rune Glifberg with Autokick turned Off. The general route works fine with it On (the default setting), but some timings may be different from the notes in this guide.

With Autokick Off there are 3 frames where acceleration is doubled in the kick animation. Also, Autokick On has a natural speed decay which Off avoids.

Other characters can use this route as well, but Rune has the fastest potential. See George’s IL PB for an example of this route with Jamie Thomas and Autokick On.

Overview: 8/10 Difficulty. Fortunately, this level is very short, and the hardest parts have easier alternatives. Because of the short nature and cramped space, though, any little mistake can lose a lot of time. Avoiding the hard parts might make this slower than the counterclockwise route.

Section 1: Opening to 1st Boxes

1a: Trigger buffer

Holding a trigger before confirming at the tape challenge screen will give you a sharper angle than holding it while the level loads. I start holding R before I even pick my character so I know I’ll have the right angle immediately when I load in.

1b: 360

You can use a 360 Fastplant Madonna to fill most of your special bar. A couple characters (not Rune) can even fill it completely here.

1c: Straight jump

However, it’s not possible to get the full 360 rotation, so it is actually faster to jump straight (but harder to fill special bar before the first grind). To get there as quickly as possible, you’ll want to wait to hold ollie until at least 1 frame after loading in, but not after more than 9 frames. Tap up twice to get a Fastplant. You will also want to wait until at least 25 frames after loading in to release ollie. This is roughly when Rune’s right foot leaves the ground. Do a Madonna and hold it as long as possible for the fastest speed. Turn sharp left just before reaching the boxes to tap the corner of their hitbox and prepare for part 2. If you wait too long to release ollie, you’ll crash into the wall before you can turn which will slow you down significantly.

Section 2: The roll-in and the blind grind

2a. Rolling down the roll-in

When starting out on this route, I recommend just riding all the way down the roll-in and turning left at the bottom. Pay attention to the geometry: if you go too fast you will get air after a certain point. Depending on your movement, this can cause a bail. Even if you land, it forces you to take a wide left turn. Riding down at a slight angle instead of straight can help avoid this. You want to cut the corner as tight as possible.

2b: 2 grind or not 2 grind?

It is best to grind the quarterpipe between the two roll-ins. If you ride all the way down the first one, ride up the quarterpipe but make sure to turn back right enough that you don’t grind the coping at too harsh of an angle, or else you might not make the gap.

You can jump directly from the first roll-in onto that coping. Jump early and high enough or you will clip the back corner of the ramp and bail. Jump close enough to parallel to the ledge or you won’t be going fast enough to make the gap. Buffering ollie can also help ensure you get over. Config Glitch or clawing makes this easier; if doing neither of those, you might have to stay on the coping a few frames in order to jump high enough to make that gap.

Do a trick off the coping (I prefer 360 Shove It here); it’s a tiny bit of extra speed, but more importantly combined with the gap this combo should build up your special meter. Though the scoring requirement is low, a typical good run on this route leaves very little room for scoring, so getting what you can now will be helpful for finishing the Pro Score later.

2c: jumping down the roll-in

The best way to go down the roll-in is to ollie over roughly half of it. Do a trick after a Nollie or Fastplant based on preference, but note that Fastplant will take you a little further so the timing will be different for each. I prefer Benihana here for optimal scoring. Beware of lag frames when hitting the glass: they can eat your ollie and/or up inputs. This usually means you are jumping too late. Release c-down a little before hitting it. You want to land on the steepest part of the roll-in, and begin turning left just a little before landing. Go too far left and you will crash into the wall. Jump too far down and you won’t have the height or angle to hit the grind properly. This is arguably the hardest part of the route, and only saves about half a second and failing usually means reset, so don’t worry about attempting this until you’re comfortable with the rest of the route. This strat is the main reason this grind is ‘blind’ since the wall is in your way, and being in the air makes it hard to see below as well.

Section 3: E and 2nd Boxes

3a: Just Turn

The exact timing will depend on how you navigated Section 2, but generally only two things need to happen here: overturn left, then overturn right. If you don’t turn far enough left you risk hitting the wall before you can turn back. If you don’t turn far enough right before falling down then you might not be able to make the next tight turn to the 3rd boxes without hitting a wall, especially since you need to time to ollie high enough to get onto the platform.

3b: TAS Jump to Platform

The TAS saves a half second over the current RTA record by jumping and performing a Christ Air directly from the E section to the platform with the 3rd boxes. Because of the wall in the way, this angle is extremely precise, improbable, and inconsistent for a human to perform, but it is a potential improvement.

Section 4: 3rd Boxes to S

4a: Just Jump

Make sure to hold ollie a few frames or you might not clear the height to the platform with the 3rd Boxes. Try to turn early and sharp enough so as not to bump the wall. Let go of the dpad and c-left early when riding off the platform to avoid accidentally inputting a flip trick, since these can be buffered. Ideally when you ride off you’ll be facing the S at an angle where you ride in between the kickers. This merely takes practice to feel. Fastplant soon after landing to grab the S. A low ollie can miss it, partially depending on how high the S is in its bouncing cycle.

Be careful not to end too far left coming off this platform - there’s a puddle of water that slows you down if you go through it at all.

4b: Kicker Boost

If you don’t have the perfect angle, have lost speed on the platform, are using Autokick On, and/or are planning on using the quarterpipe grind (see Section 5b), you can aim for a slope boost on the far kicker. Fastplant to grab the S but an angle further left with the intent of landing down the kicker to get a marginal speed boost. If you’re already going max speed, you will clear this kicker and it is not worth attempting: going straight towards the transfer is better.

4c: Christ Air?

TAS uses a Christ Air with the fastplant on flat while grabbing the S for a tiny bit of extra speed. This timing is tight but doable for a human, though the benefit is probably no more than a couple frames.

Section 5: 4th Boxes

5a: Straight Over the Transfer

Begin holding up early on the quarterpipe and don’t release it until you land safely on the other side. Release c-left early to avoid an accidental 360 Shove It, as this will typically cause a bail. Ideally you will clear the platform and land downhill on the other side of the ramp, then turn left to head up the ramp again towards the K. Depending on your speed and angle, you might bump on top of the platform which loses some speed. Learning the proper angle to head towards the S so you do not need to turn for the transfer is the best chance at avoiding this.

5b: Quarterpipe Grind

Depending on character, Autokick status, and your personal comfort and preference, it might be better to grind the quarterpipe from the left then jump right to transfer and break the 4th Boxes set than rising straight over the transition. If you have a special grind this is a good time to get extra points if you have any trouble reaching Pro Score on the K jump. See George’s Warehouse PB for a good example of all this with Jamie and Autokick On.

5c: K Jump (Special Trick)

If you’ve retained speed well from the transfer, you can Fastplant extremely early on the quarterpipe (only halfway up it, possibly less) and still reach the K. At the very least make sure to get a Nollie for the multiplier because this is the last chance to reach Pro Score on a good run. Spin a 540 and use the highest scoring special trick you can fit in here. Land coming straight down the ramp.

5.5: 4th Boxes to K Jump

The TAS jumps at a very precise spot with a perfectly controlled amount of speed to get enough height and a specific rotation to launch off the quarterpipe transfer after the S, grab the K on the way down, and land coming down the quarterpipe below.

While reaching the K is not too difficult for a human to achieve, I have only been able to land on the top platform of the quarterpipe, losing all timesave and then some from this strategy as I have not found a way to quickly regain speed while continuing the route to the A as normal. Not only does the TAS get to the ramp below the K faster this way, but it also keeps more speed landing there and can use this to better optimize the ending, in total saving a couple seconds over human RTA.

Section 6: Taxi Funbox (The A)

6a: Ride Over

The sign atop the taxi has an annoying hitbox. To avoid it, ride over the side of the ramps: the A itself has a rather generous horizontal hitbox, so you can stay quite wide and still grab it. As long as you have a good amount of speed from coming down the K quarterpipe, you can turn sharp left and hit the corner ramp going up the funbox to simply ride over it. See my Warehouse PB for a good example of this.

6b: Jump Over

If you don’t think the angle you’re at will let you avoid the sign, fastplant over it instead. Another reason you may want to jump here is if you’re going too fast: riding over in that instance may not give you enough time to ollie to the platform afterward. Jump before touching the ramps of the funbox: while it’s possible to make the gap from there to the 5th boxes platform, doing so is slower. It’s possible to clear the sign with a fastplant, but I still recommend aiming to the left side of it since a low ollie can screw you up there. Careful when jumping over: if you land at the edge of the cardboard, it will stop you in your tracks.

6c: Slope Boost

In theory, it’s best to jump at a time so that you hit the tail end of the ramp coming down to get a slope boost. This is a relatively early jump, but it can be hard to gauge your speed and angle to make it work since coming down the quarterpipe often makes this a semi-blind turn. TAS also uses Christ Air off this fastplant into the slope boost.

Section 7: The Wall (5th boxes)

Section 7a: Hard Bump

Set up your jump onto the platform so that you’re facing the wall at roughly 45 degrees. If you’ve kept speed up properly, this will set up the jump to the Hidden Tape. Kick, buffer ollie, and don’t fastplant unless you know your speed is under what it should be. Jump off the kicker connected to the halfpipe and you can make it to the Hidden Tape room.

Section 7b: Soft Bump

If you turn to the right just before hitting the wall, you can scrape it softer than the method in 7a. You’ll know the difference because the hard bump from 7a will cause your skater to throw their hands up in the air and grunt.

Section 7c: No Bump

By turning just before landing on the 5th boxes platform, you can set up the angle for the Hidden Tape jump without coming close to the wall. There’s no setup for this other than feel, which is why my full game runs use 7b but my IL 18s runs use this.

Section 8: Endgame (Hidden Tape to T)

Section 8a: Soft Reset Buffer

Holding Z+Start just before the jump towards the Hidden Tape should allow a soft reset as you grab the T, if you can play this bit well. It might be safer to start holding it directly after the jump, but of course this is a lower time save. After starting this, you only need to turn right a little upon landing, then kick and Ollie as normal to grab the T.

Section 8b: Fastplant?

If you lose speed for some reason when landing in the hidden tape room, you might want to Fastplant to make sure you get the T. T’s bouncing cycle may affect if this is ever necessary as well.

Section 8c: Tricks Matter (Barely)

This only really applies to TAS, but using certain tricks and rotating when jumping toward the T can save a frame. Indy Nosebone seems to be a solid choice since it looks like it extends the skater’s hitbox out and to the right a bit.

Section 9: Backups

Section 9a: No A

It only takes a few seconds after the T to loop around the back right of the halfpipe to get the A above the taxi if you missed it in your first pass.

Section 9b: Over the Pipe (No T)

If you find it hard to land in the Hidden Tape room, you can instead clear the halfpipe while grabbing the Hidden Tape, then quickly turn around to the right to jump to the T. This probably isn’t worth using over the counterclockwise run, but that jump is a notorious part of this route, so if you can tell you’re going too fast this is a decent backup.

Section 9c: Low Score

If you messed up the combo when getting the K, or didn’t get a good combo at the start, simply spin a Christ Air while grabbing the T and wait to end the level til after you’ve landed and score canceled. This only loses 1-2 seconds.

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