some small tricks for runs
some small tricks for runs
更新时间 5 years ago teddyras
  1. apparently you can use the arrow keys to select your destination on the romap screen, so this is faster than typing out mandrione or porta inferni or whatever, it will be faster regardless of your typing skill.

  2. you can type while the screen is fading in and you can't see the words on any boss. of course you have to have the 1st couple of words memorized to do it, but this allows you to type shut up on cesar before you even finish fading in, among other head starts.

  3. you can stand by the graffiti by the dumpster to the right of cesar and the bullets will break before they hit you. this will cut the fight down to like 15-20 seconds and make it trivial.

  4. phase 3 of Matthew where he uses the time bombs the 1st time, if you are in the center of the room where he spawns the bomb, you can just stand still and his spray attack will likely not hit you (matthew's position is not the same every time, so there's a small chance you get hit, but it's rare). if you make no typing mistakes and go fast you can finish the phase before he sends the 2nd bomb, you can skip it. you only have to disarm 1 bomb in this fight if you are fast.

  5. for the final phase of Enoch Varg, you can type while the camera is zoomed in on him. the beginning part of the sentence is "pray the god of peace to crush satan..." so memeorize that and you can just type away.

  6. on the master fight, if you don't make mistakes while you are lit on fire, it should not delete any letters from your words. there is a speed component to it but it's not super fast, just dont stop typing for too long.

  7. the word jumble in the furius fight is random. if you are most of the way through a word it won't jumble that word, but if you are less than halfway it will likely shuffle around.

8 ) laurentius' numbers added to words are random where they are added and if it's luck if it's a 1 or a 0. the only way to deal with this is that before it adds the numbers, you have like 5 seconds to type as many words as possible to make it easier on you/ faster.

  1. on phase 5 of lileth, after she spawns the bullets that mirror your movements, move in 1 direction (down should work the best if possible) then just stop moving. they will just keep going in that direction and go so far away by the time you have to dodge anything that that phase just becomes trivial.

  2. for any demon form boss except lileth, you should make an effort to type the words that appear before you lose your book because there is a chance the book lands close to where you are and you can pick up where you left off, saving substantial time. worst case you just end up practicing the beginning part of the phase. this is most important on the master fight since his time from phase start to ego voco diaboli is the longest. I say not to worry about it on lileth because a) she has a really short time from phase start to demon form and you wont get much more than 1 word off and b ) she has the most health and so far I haven't been able to get the book fast enough after demon form ends even when it was basically on top of me. she just has too much health.

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