Any% Notes
Any% Notes
更新时间 1 year ago poncedeleon100


A guide detailing all of the choices to make during an Any% run. This guide is based off of the Any% world record of 4:33:16 by @Mattmatt. Some optimizations were used from the Any% run by @EliasF.

"Cutscene" means that there are choices, QTEs, interrupts, and combat. "Exploration" means that you have to walk around to start the next section.

During exploration, it's easy to get lost. I have done my best to explain and have attached pictures for the sections listed below to help show the path to take. However, it may be useful to watch a video of someone going through the section. You can find these trickier sections below (use CTRL+F to find them): -Prologue: Laura searches for the person she saw -Chapter 1: Abigail looks around the cabins area -Chapter 2: Nick explores the Shady Glade -Chapter 3: Abigail is lost in the woods -Chapter 5: Dylan and Ryan walk to the cabins -Chapter 6: Abigail in the pool house -Chapter 9: Dylan and Kaitlyn search the scrapyard

Sometimes it is faster to fail QTEs rather than succeed. To fail any QTE, either let the time run out or press the wrong direction. When you need to fail a QTE, I list a direction that will fail the QTE, and also note to fail the QTE. To fail a mashing QTE, just don't press any button and let the time run out.

If you are using a controller, I suggest using the D-Pad for QTEs as it is more consistent than using the joystick.

The Quarry - Any% Route

Make sure that Death Rewinds are disabled. Time begins when the first load screen ends after selecting "New Game"

Prologue - Into the Woods


Cutscene (Max and Laura driving to camp) Up - QTE: Succeed to catch the phone Do nothing - Map or Leaflet choice Right - QTE: Succeed to steer the car

Exploration (After Max and Laura crash) Interact with the back of the car (walk away from the camera) Interupt - Snoop After a short cutscene, walk towards camera and interact

Cutscene (Laura sees someone in the woods) Right - Compliant

Exploration (Laura searches for the person she saw) Go left around the rock (the camera will cut to The Fool) Follow the path (go to the right passing near the collectible) Take a right at the fork Walk straight across, don't turn down the right path ~Short cutscene where Laura plays with her hair When you reach the large tree, take a left Keep following the path until the cutscene begins

Cutscene (Laura finds the ghostly figure) Down - QTE: Succeed to avoid branch Up - QTE: Succeed to avoid branch

Cutscene (Travis confronts the couple) Left - Evasive Right - Friendly Right - Compliant ~Travis looks at the map and then leaves Right - Relieved

Exploration (Max and Laura arrive at the lodge) This section can be weird, wait until the cutscene ends before pressing movement buttons Go down the stairs and approach the storm shelter (walk towards the camera)

Cutscene (Laura sees someone inside the storm shelter) Right - Take Wrenches Left - Confident

Exploration (Laura explores the storm shelter) Interact with the bloodied collar at the far end of the shelter Walk back to the entrance of the shelter, towards Max (Walk to the right, from the camera's orientation)

Cutscene (Max gets attacked) Do nothing - Help/Leave Max

Chapter 1 - Hackett's Quarry Forever!


Cutscene (Jacob walks with Kaitlyn) Left - Cynical

Exploration (Jacob gets the bags) Go upstairs and approach the front door Interact with the window to the left Interact with the bags by the stairs (Directly to the right after exiting the library)

Cutscene (Jacob talks with Kaitlyn) Right - Playful Left - Smug Left - Defeated Right - Confident Right - Steal Rotor Arm Up - QTE: Succeed to catch phone Right - Annoyed


Cutscene (Abigail and Emma talk) Up - QTE: Succeed to high five Left - Leave Bags

Exploration (Abigail looks around the cabins area) You can walk behind one of the cabins here Walk towards the opening in between these two cabins Walk through the opening to the other side Turn right when as you exit before going back across the bridge Interact with Emma by the golf cart at the end of the bridge Right - Enthusiastic

Cutscene (Abigail and Emma leave the cabins area) Right - QTE: Succeed to steer the cart Left - Back to Lodge Down - QTE: Succeed to avoid squirrel


Cutscene (Dylan talks with the group) Left - Questioning Left - Protective Right - Supportive Left - Understanding


Cutscene (Ryan talks with Chris) Left - Listen to Podcast Right - Frustrated Left - Apologetic Left - Inquisitive

Cutscene (The group tries to leave) Up - QTE: Succeed to catch the keys Left - Compliant ~Chris leaves Left - Curious Right - Supportive Right - Reluctant

Chapter 2 - Truth or Dare


Cutscene (Jacob is trying to open the door) Interrupt - Kick the door ~Jacob and Emma are inside the store

Exploration (Jacob and Emma search for party supplies) Go right around the first shelf Follow the path around the shelves and stay to the right of the area Interact with the back door Right - Call Jacob

Exploration (Emma searches the back room) Interact with the shotgun to the right Interact with Jacob

Exploration (Emma goes back to Jacob) Go through the fenced off area Interact with the door at the end Interact with Jacob

Cutscene (Emma opens the safe) Right - Leave Fireworks Right - Judgmental


Cutscene (Dylan talks with Ryan) Right - Friendly

Exploration (Dylan searches Chris' office) Interact with the door on the right Up - QTE: Succeed to catch the keys Interact with the wardrobe (Spam interact, don't move)

Cutscene (Dylan and Ryan discuss the surveillance room) Right - Interested Exit the surveillance room Interact with the phones, be careful not to interact with Ryan Left - Head to Party


Cutscene (Nick and Abi walking) Left - Shady Glade

Exploration (Nick explores the Shady Glade) ~Need to avoid a dialogue trigger Turn the camera to face forwards (where Nick is facing) and start walking towards this tree When you get close to the tree, go off to the right towards this big tree. The end of the area is to the right of it. The next cutscene begins as you approach.

Cutscene (Abigail draws the landscape) Right - Playful Interrupt - Save Abi Don't Breathe - Tap interact and then immediately let go Left - Annoyed


Cutscene (Kaitlyn is at the firepit) Spam the interact button to take the photo Right - Serious Right - Mocking


Cutscene (Jacob and Nick prepare for a shooting competition) Left - Evasive Combat: Shoot as fast as possible (Fire x2) Combat: Shoot as fast as possible (Fire x3) Left - Friendly


Cutscene (The group is at the firepit) Don't Interrupt - Interrupt Abigail's truth Right - Dare Left - Kiss Kaitlyn Left - Kaitlyn Left - Mischievous

Chapter 3 - Trouble In Paradise


Exploration (Abigail is lost in the woods) Turn the camera around (opposite of where Abigail is facing) and start walking towards this big tree. There's also a path this way that you can follow. Keep going towards the tree (There is moonlight near it) The end of the area is just on the other side of the large tree. The next cutscene will begin as you walk towards the circled area.

Cutscene (Abigail and Nick talk) Interrupt - Call out to Nick Right - Honest Right - Direct Interrupt - Kiss Nick

Cutscene (Nick is attacked) Left - Run to Camp Up - QTE: Succeed to avoid log Right - Run Mashing QTE Interrupt - Climb Tree Left - QTE: Fail Right QTE to fall off tree Left - QTE: Fail Right QTE when getting attacked by the werewolf


Exploration (Jacob is at the boathouse with Emma) Move the camera to face where Jacob is facing Walk straight ahead (The camera will move to The Star, don't change direction) When the camera changes back to Jacob, walk up the stairs Interact with the towel shelf in the room at the top Go back to Emma on the dock (Camera will change back to The Star when you go back)

Cutscene (Jacob and Emma in the lake) Right - Accusatory Don't Interrupt - Splash Emma Right - Flirt ~Emma swims to the island Left - Dive In Left - Grab Up - QTE: Succeed to try to grab the rotor arm Do nothing - Pull/Detangle ~Jacob dies


Cutscene (Ryan, Dylan, and Kaitlyn at the firepit) Right - Worried Right - Assertive

Cutscene (Ryan chases after Nick) Right - Follow Path Down - QTE: Succeed to avoid branch Right - QTE: Succeed to avoid rock Right - Follow Path Up - QTE: Succeed so Ryan doesn't trip on the stairs Left - QTE: Fail Right QTE for Ryan to fall Combat: Shoot as fast as possible (Fire x1)

Chapter 4 - A Breath of Fresh Air


Cutscene (The group at the firepit) Don't Interrupt - Apply pressure to Nick's wound Right - Dismissive Interrupt - Call out Combat: Don't shoot Right - Dismissive


Exploration (Emma on the island) Walk towards the stairs towards the right (short cutscene) Walk on the dirt path instead of up the stairs (another short cutscene) Keep walking on the dirt path

Cutscene (Emma vlogs) Right - Reflective

Exploration (Emma near the treehouse) Walk towards the ladder and interact

Cutscene (Emma goes to the treehouse) Down - QTE: Succeed so Emma doesn't fall off ladder Left - Open Trapdoor ~Emma dies


Cutscene (The group enters the lodge) DON'T pick up the Strength card! Left - Optimistic ~Dylan and Ryan enter Chris' office Left - Hopeful Left - Determined ~Ryan attempts to call the police Left - Dismissive Right - Calm ~Dylan and Ryan leave Chris' office Right - Aggressive Right - Give Gun

Chapter 5 - White Noise


Cutscene (Nick is resting in the lodge) Left - Compassionate Interrupt - Speak Up Left - Reassuring


Cutscene (Kaitlyn investigates the footsteps) Left - QTE: Fail Right QTE when hiding from Bobby Left - QTE: Fail Right QTE when Bobby confronts you


Cutscene (Nick and Abi wait for Kaitlyn) Left - Insecure Right - Bitter Left - Hide Don't Breathe - Succeed


Exploration (Dylan and Ryan walk to the cabins) Follow the path/Ryan ~Cutscene at the wooden bridge After the cutscene with Ryan on the bridge, pass through this opening in between the cabins. It's immediately to the right after crossing the bridge After going in between the cabins, make your way towards the stairs at the other end where the red light is coming from. The radio hut is near the red light. Interact with Ryan by the stairs of the radio hut. Right - Confident


Cutscene (Dylan and Ryan inside the radio hut) Left - Dismissive Right - Concerned Right - Apologetic Combat: Shoot as soon as possible (Fire x1) Left - Desperate Left - Supportive Right - Calm Combat: Shoot as soon as possible (Fire x2) Right - QTE: Fail Left QTE when Silas attacks you Right - Reassuring

Chapter 6 - Prayers By Night


Cutscene (The group is at the pool) Right - Rational Interrupt - Interrupt Nick and Abi Left - Help Nick


Exploration (Abigail in the pool house) Walk over to Nick and interact with the heater turn around and interact with this board at the other end of the room for a clue. From there, look to the left and go towards the far end of the room. Interact with the locker at the end. The next cutscene will begin after Abigail finishes looking at the drawing.

Cutscene (Abigail and Nick talk) Right - Aggressive There may be a glitch if you shoot instantly that will cause the game to count it as missing Nick, but it is safer to wait and aim away Combat: Aim to the left and shoot as soon as possible (To miss Nick) ~Abigail dies


Cutscene (The group is at the pool house) Left - Hopeful Left - Suspicious Left - Interested

Chapter 7 - The Past Behind Us


Cutscene (Laura is in the cell) Interrupt - Call out to Max

Cutscene (Travis interrogates Laura) Right - Angry Left - Angry Left - Annoyed Right - Angry Don't Interrupt - Lash Out

Cutscene (Laura is put back into the cell) Right - Dismissive Left - Disappointed Right - Compliant Right - Stern

Exploration (Laura is in her cell) Walk to the left corner and interact with the wall Interact with the bed (Spam interact button as soon as possible)

Cutscene (Max returns) Right - Aggressive Left - Serious Right - Reflective Right - Frustrated Left - Empathetic

Cutscene (The group in the pool house) Left - Aggressive

Cutscene (Laura in the cell) Left - Reckless Left - Determined

Cutscene (Max turns) Don't Interrupt - Call for help Right - Compassionate

Exploration (Max attacked Laura) Turn around and enter the cell again Walk to the bed and interact (Be careful not to interact with the writing on the wall) Left - Go to Sleep

Cutscene (Travis comes back) Left - Honest

Cutscene (Travis talks about the curse) Right - Confident Interrupt - Take Gun Left - Resigned

Cutscene (Chris talks to Travis) Down - QTE: Fail Up QTE for the cup to drop

Cutscene (Laura breaks out) Left - QTE: Fail Right QTE to fail to get the gun Left - QTE: Fail Right QTE for Travis to get shot Right - Reassuring

Cutscene (The group in the pool house) ~Cutscene with Laura going to the island Left - Show Bite ~Cutscene with Constance teasing Nick

Chapter 8 - Out For Blood


Cutscene (Ryan confronts Laura) Left - Commanding Right - Curious Left - Guarded Right - Mean Left - Sarcastic Right - Aggressive


Cutscene (Ryan and Laura walk to Hackett house) Left - Suspicious Left - Defensive Left - Angry

Exploration (Ryan and Laura walk through the mines) Walk up the left stairs and keep going up Go across the catwalk Follow the path Approach the stairs Left - QTE: Fail Right QTE when stairs break Keep going up Walk around the left of the stone pillar Keep following the catwalk

Cutscene (Ryan and Laura talk) Right - Inquisitive Mashing QTE Walk through the tunnel Walk to the door at the end and interact


Cutscene (Dylan and Kaitlyn at the lodge) Left - Optimistic Right - Encouraging


Exploration (Ryan and Laura are in the basement) Walk straight down the center and into the red room

Cutscene (Ryan and Laura enter the red room) Down - QTE: Succeed to prevent Ryan from slipping Don't Interrupt - Stop Laura ~Nick dies Don't Interrupt - Call out

Chapter 9 - The Matriarch


Cutscene (Dylan and Kaitlyn walk to the scrapyard) Left - Annoyed Left - Dismissive


Cutscene (Laura is in Hackett house) Fail Mashing QTE Left - Run Right - QTE: Succeed to avoid gunshot


Cutscene (Ryan leaves the hiding place) Interrupt - Pull out knife Left - Pull Out

Exploration (Ryan inside the bedroom) Walk around to the left and interact with the door

Cutscene (Ryan is chased by Bobby) Left - Block Door Left - QTE: Succeed to avoid falling Mashing QTE Mashing QTE


Cutscene (Laura is chased by Jedediah) Right - Run Mashing QTE Down - QTE: Succeed to stop running

Exploration (Laura explores the house) Go up the staircase and go left Enter the room with large windows and walk to the far door

Cutscene (Laura is confronted by Jedediah) Left - QTE: Succeed when fighting Jed Left - QTE: Succeed when fighting Jed Left - QTE: Succeed when fighting Jed Left - Attack Mashing QTE


Cutscene (Ryan and Bobby) Fail Mashing QTE

Cutscene (Ryan and Laura meet up) Right - Mocking Right - Decline


Exploration (Dylan and Kaitlyn search the scrapyard) Walk on the right side of the pile of cars in the middle. Walk inside the garage on your right. Inside, there's a table with a button near the stairs. Walk around the table and interact with the button. Walk towards the open gate and go into the container on the right. You'll walk through two containers and into a clearing. In the clearing, walk straight to the other side where there's a scrapped bus. Walk through the scrapped bus at the other end of the clearing. After walking through the bus, look to the left to find the stairs up to the crane. Walk up to them to trigger the next cutscene.

Cutscene (Dylan uses the crane) Right - Encouraging Right - Lift Car Right - Sound Horn Fail Mashing QTE ~Dylan dies


Exploration (Laura and Ryan in the attic) ~Have to avoid the cutscene trigger for the boards creaking Walk around the right side of the wooden beam that is circled. Walk around the beam making sure that you are 2-3 boards away from the beam (The circled area). Keep walking to the other end of the attic, towards werewolf Chris.


Cutscene (Chris attacks Bobby, Laura attacks Travis) Combat: Aim to the right and shoot Laura ~Ryan and Laura die

Chapter 10 - The Final Girl


Exploration (Kaitlyn in the lodge) Go up the stairs to the right Walk across the catwalk and interact with the painting Right - Prepare For Attack

Cutscene (Kaitlyn fights Caleb) Right - Wait Combat: Shoot x2 and miss both shots (Aim down and to the right before shooting both times) ~Kaitlyn dies

Timer ends when the credits begin.

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