Miscellaneous Notes
Miscellaneous Notes
更新时间 3 years ago Winslinator

===== Burper

  • Level skip: After finishing level 3, 6, 9, or 12, you must hit an enemy during the ending cutscene, as they will sometimes spawn. Doing so will skip the next level. Pause and unpause the game to nullify the unwanted side effects of doing this.

Number of burps restored when these objects are shot: Banana (curved): 1 Banana (straight): 1 Coconut: 3 Pear: 3 Tangerine: 3 Banana bunch: 10

Level X: Burps, Enemies, Time, Objects on screen at once Level 1: 100, 30, 2:00, 2 Level 2: 95, 30, 2:00, 3 Level 3: 90, 30, 2:00, 4 Level 4: 85, 30, 2:00, 5 Level 5: 80, 30, 2:00, 6 Level 6: 75, 35, 2:00, 7 Level 7: 70, 35, 2:00, 8 Level 8: 65, 35, 2:00, 10 Level 9: 60, 35, 2:00, 10 Level 10: 55, 35, 2:00, 10 Level 11: 50, 40, 2:00, 10 Level 12: 45, 40, 2:00, 10 Level 13: 40, 50, 2:00, 10 Level 14: 35, 50, 2:00, 10 Level 15+: 30, 75, 2:00, 10

======== Hippo Hop

  • Pink egg: Collect this and next time you reach the shore, a vulture will carry you back.
  • Yellow egg: Gives you an extra life.
  • Maroon egg: Changes the pattern of the flotsam. You must collect this on Level 10 in order to unlock the path to the shore.

========= Jungle Pinball

Grub Bonuses 3 Rocks 4 Mushrooms 3 Grubs 3 Vultures 2 Mushrooms (one invincible), 1 Grub 2 Mushrooms (both invincible), 1 Grub 3 Bananas 2 Rocks, 2 Mushrooms (both invincible)

========= Sling Shooter

  • Shoot the last enemy with your last berry then mouse click or press the space bar to skip the 4-second level-win delay.

Number of berries restored when these objects are shot: Timon: 3 Berry: 11 Celery: 11 Pear: 11 Watermelon: 11 Bag of Berries: 11 Shooting a cupcake awards +10 seconds

Level X: Berries, Enemies, Time Level 1: 100, 15, 1:40 Level 2: 100, 15, 1:30 Level 3: 75, 15, 1:15 Level 4: 75, 15, 1:00 Level 5: 60, 15, 1:00 Level 6: 60, 15, 0:50 Level 7: 50, 15, 0:50 Level 8: 40, 15, 0:40 Level 9: 40, 15, 0:40 Level 10: 30, 15, 0:40 Level 11: 30, 15, 0:40 Level 12: 30, 15, 0:35 Level 13: 30, 15, 0:35 Level 14: 25, 15, 0:30 Level 15+: 25, 15, 0:30

======= Bug Drop

  • Pause and unpause the game to skip the "Timon Wins" or "Pumbaa Wins" message.
  • Level 16+: CPU begins terminal drop speed with no further AI changes
  • Game can denote a max of 59 wins (5 ladybugs + 9-stack pillar = 5*10+9 = 59)
  • Rocks are dropped in the emptiest columns, from left to right

The number of rocks given to the opponent is equal to


where N equals the number of consecutive matches n equals the current consecutive match (all simultaneous matches receive the same n value) b equals the number of bugs in the match

Example: Say we obtained the series of matches 6-4-(4-6)-5, where the matches in parentheses occurred simultaneously:

