Question about 100%
3 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

For 2 days now I haven't been able to load the 100% category so I can check the rules. Somethings up with the site for me. Can someone respond with the rules for 100% please?

Follow up question: I did a 100% run this week but did NOT do the new mission that's available after you complete the game. They just added that new mission in the update that launched this week (once you finish the game, you launch it again into Explore mode and follow clues given to you by black plants - the same kind that appear in Under Depths). So I guess my follow up question is - do we now have to complete the new mission in order to have a successful 100%? I'm assuming not since that mission wasn't available for the first 6 years after this game launched but just wanted to make sure my video wasn't invalid.

New South Wales, Australia

Hey Droogie4Ever,

The rules for 100% are as follows: Runs are timed using the RTA timing convention and there must be adequate video/audio proof of the run. Timer starts when the music begins after the first load screen. Timer ends on activation of the final supply crate. Collect the 10 supply crates, 60 secrets, 26 boat boost upgrades, 8 landmarks and 8 creatures.

The new treasure hunt to the post-campaign Explore mode that they added in the Hidden Visions update is not required for 100%. It definitely caught me by surprise that they added new content to this game 6 years down the line, but understandly in line with the Steam release of Submerged: Hidden Depths.

发布于 2 years ago
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发布于 2 years ago
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发布于 3 years ago
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