Subspace Emissary NG+ Major Skips
6 years ago
Maryland, USA

NG+ is starting to get a better route so I thought i'd show off the visuals of the current skips & some new skips used in this run! If there are more found I will post more visuals below.

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Winslinator, ajkcool 2 其他 喜欢这个

its faster to land on the launch pad after skipping the fight in skyworld, although maybe a bit harder. nice finds bud!

Tech 喜欢这个
Maryland, USA

Turns out that Meta Knight is the better option for The Forest entirely (Pit for backup incase SD) Meta Knight is better for all locked fights, (all enemies except Sword Primids are one shot Neutral Air) better for overall gliding across the stage, and can glide over the final fight trigger with ease, it is more precise with Pit's Up B. Here is the MK Final Fight Skip!

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编辑者 作者 6 years ago
SuperWardBros_SWB 喜欢这个