Moderator Requests
6 years ago
Essex, England

What the fuck

eddiecatgaming Francesco 喜欢这个
California, USA

why are people saying wtf

EthanRTA 喜欢这个
Colorado, USA

There's things below my profile picture for ways that you can get in contact with me or anyone else.

<-- <-- over that way <--

编辑者 作者 6 years ago
afnannen136, JuegAriel 6 其他 喜欢这个
Michigan, USA

Why do you think it's your job to make this thread and not the mods'?

Nolmy KingOfJonnyBoy 喜欢这个
United States

wtf you're not a mod

KingOfJonnyBoy 喜欢这个
United States

You're not a super mod, so why do you think you can add moderators?

TMLink KingOfJonnyBoy 喜欢这个
Requirements for High-Level Any% Runs

Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
4 months ago