8-4 Bowser RNG patterns
5 years ago
United States

Is the way 8-4 bowser jumps determined randomly, or by your previous movements in the stage?

Oklahoma, USA

Everything in this game is determined by what FRAME you enter a stage on. Usually that means it's predictable because you can't enter levels on individual frames, only framerules - every 0.35 seconds or so. However, the castle levels (X-4) that have multiple "stages" (for lack of a better word) rng is still determined by the frame you enter... But every single frame determines a new set of rng. Long story short, it IS predictable, but you'd have to know what exact frame you enter bowsers room. Top players usually will have a decent idea of what frame they might be on based on how fast they felt like they played the rest of 8-4 - - - but even the top top top players won't be SURE what frame they will encounter bowser on (because humans aren't that time sensitive to such a small accurate level)

mouseman darG 喜欢这个
Oklahoma, USA

Practically speaking, for normal players = no, it's not possible to know bowsers pattern in 8-4. Theoretically yes, but practically no

To answer your actual question. Your "movements" earlier in the stage don't matter, only the time it takes you to get to bowser room

However in other levels, interacting with objects (for example killing an enemy) CAN affect later rng, even if you're on the same pace. That just doesn't apply to 8-4 bowser room

编辑者 作者 5 years ago

"RNG" is not really RNG, lol.

New Hampshire, USA

What? DansGame

Oklahoma, USA

He's technically right. Especially for Mario. They're also called prng or pseudo-random number generator. Since it's based on formulas that (if you know what they are) are knowable and deterministic. Even online casinos that REALLY want randomness aren't truly random... Still based on algorithms... Although casinos sometimes incorporate seemingly random things like users' mouse movements and server computer temperatures, which make the pseudo random numbers unknowable. When you use an "algorithm" as simple as is used on Mario you end up with spreadsheets (see resources section) so you know know all the patterns for any moment in the game that matters lol

Miniland, zdoroviy_antony 2 其他 喜欢这个
Requirements for High-Level Any% Runs

Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
9 months ago