All Seterra and Seterra Speedrunning Community Related Spreadsheets
All Seterra and Seterra Speedrunning Community Related Spreadsheets
更新时间 2 years ago MaximalMegaminx

Seterra Categories - the list of all the quizzes Seterra has to offer, with additional info on links and belonging in 100% categories and 10,000%, the most important spreadsheet here

Seterra WR History - a full list of all the historical and present Main Category WRs with additional statistics and WRs beaten the same day (which src doesn't show)

Seterra SOBs - a ranking of some players, mostly for fun

Seterra Speedrunning Community Fun Facts - just some silly "firsts" and a few other facts

Seterra Least and Most Optimized Runs Based on CPS - just some random stats on pin mode records.

Mobile App Glitched Leaderboard - This category was removed from the leaderboard due to its device dependency, future obsolescence and lack of competition, the times will be tracked here.

The Future of Seterra

Hello Everyone,

Seterra has changed dramatically these past few weeks, affecting the leaderboards as a whole. It is because of these changes that we can no longer use this leaderboard any longer.

As a result of this, the mod team has decided to split up the leaderboards. These new leaderboard

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