Quizzes (With the Skip)
Quizzes (With the Skip)
更新时间 2 years ago CT_Human

Important The skip got patched, but you can still use it if you play the quizzes through the wayback machine, so use that if you are going to use the strat.

(outdated) Ever since the skip button was found, it makes the quizzes about twice as fast. If you are unfamiliar w/ the skip button, it is a button that appears for about half a second if your lucky when you select the correct answer that skips a question but still gives you the points.

For most of them they are like the normal pattern, just skipping every other number; however, some are a bit different:

(If the number has a ">", you press the skip number. If it does not has one, do do not press skip. e.g: 1> = use skip 1= don't use skip)

-North and central America capitals quiz 1 (by dha) 1>44221>2142141

-North and Central America: Capitals Quiz 2 4>1314>313>212

-North America: Physical Features Quiz 4>3>4>3>2>4>2>1 (rest are 1)

-The Caribbean: Capitals Quiz 4>2>3>2>3>3>1>

-South America: Capitals Quiz 1 2>4>2>2>1>41

-South America: Capitals Quiz 2 4>1>1>2>1>1>32

-Europe: Capitals Quiz 1 (by dha) 3>4233413341221332413322423241241114312414241

-Europe: Capitals Quiz 2 (by dha) 3>1434141314332421231242413134313131241424213

-Cardinal Directions: Fortnite Battle Royale (by Maximal) 1>4>1>2>3>33

-Cardinal Directions: US States (by Maximal) 1>4>3>12

The Future of Seterra

Hello Everyone,

Seterra has changed dramatically these past few weeks, affecting the leaderboards as a whole. It is because of these changes that we can no longer use this leaderboard any longer.

As a result of this, the mod team has decided to split up the leaderboards. These new leaderboard

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