Lil_Broomsticc's guide to 1.2.0 speedrun
Lil_Broomsticc's guide to 1.2.0 speedrun
更新时间 3 years ago Lil_Broomsticc

Make your character the 2nd most small so you have max dodge(+10%) while only having -9% in parry. We chose this because dodge can be performed without weapons. Make your character the 2nd fattest it can become so you have the 5%HP bonus, as speed does not affect anything in-game. Put all your skill points into intellect and always skill intellect when u can select 2 skill points!

The first thing to do when spawned is to give yourself enough gold for the rest of the run. Do this by doing clicking on a spell (in the little kid spell shop) and then selling it to him. Repeat this until you have more than a million coins.

When in the spell shop, buy the first 4 spells of lightning and 4 other spells of choice (I prefer necro-spells) We buy lighting because the 2nd spell isn't coded correctly, costing 50 magika while still doing the original damage. Make sure to also equip these spells before going in your first fight!

Challenge the middle gladiator in the colosseum (should be 1 shot with the 2nd lighting spell) to level up. Buy the best armour at level 2 and go ahead and challenge the first arena champion.

Small intermezzo: Once you defeat an arena champion, u level up and get to use your skill points. After acquiring your new skills a small outro text appears for that chapter saying you killed the boss. While in this screen you can exit the game and remain your skill points and level up while the game thinks you haven't beat the boss. We use this up to the yeti project to level up at a reckless pace. I will refer to this technique as champion-farming.

  1. Fearful prisoner: use your best spell, sleep and use another spell. Should be a walk in the park. Farm prisoner until you are level 5 (don't close game when u kill him and level up to level 5).

After getting level 5 from the prisoner, go buy yourself some new fresh armour and a shield if you're lucky.

  1. Pigfull the trader: Use only the II spells and push him whenever he can attack you. This fight does require decent to good RNG to win but should be doable. Farm Pigfull until you reach level 8.

Go buy the best armour you can get your hands on at level 8. Go look in the cheap armour store, the expensive one and a new shield/helmet.

  1. Xanfar The haunted: The worst boss IMO. I haven't found a solid strategy for him yet but make sure to time your pushes and cast spells. Farm Xanfar until you reach level 11.

No need to go and buy a new set of armour, straight to 9000.

  1. First trail - 9000: Just use your best spells in high to low order. Farm until level 14.

Go buy the best armour at level 14.

  1. Mr Omazing: again use your best spells. Farm until level 17.

Now comes a key part of your run. Finding a spell mastery to abuse. Look for enchanted gear or weapons with a spell mastery. Look out for Frost Mastery, Poison Mastery and (the best) Necromancery mastery. Don't bother with fire or lighting since a lot of bosses have 100%+ resistance.

Once you have found your item, equip it and press the most left icon on the inventory screen (the one u use to inspect your skill tree). I don't know why but every time you click the skill tree, the game gives u +1 or +2 in the mastery you have equipped. Repeat this glitch until you have 100+ in a spell mastery. Don't forget to buy and equip the spells you have mastered. You can also equip 4 other spells at the same time, being Gale, Hex, Sluggish and Impervious.