Goldrush! Guide
Goldrush! Guide
更新时间 6 years ago Squad3

Description: Now's your chance to hit paydirt by using this unstable abandoned mining area to showcase low-rise coasters. Over time your coasters must start to make up in adrenaline what they lack in height to keep your claim staked with the visitors Apprentice level requirements:

                             Minimum coaster excitement: 3
                             Two coasters
                             Condition can be achieved at any time
                             Minimum coaster length: 1000.66ft
                             Condition can be achieved at any time
                             Total monthly ride income: £300
                             Condition can be achieved at any time

Apprentice level difficulty: Laughably Easy

Entrepreneur level requirements:

                             Repay Loan
                             Condition can be achieved at any time
                             Total monthly ride income: £500.00
                             Condition can be achieved at any time

Entrepreneur level difficulty: Side-splittingly laughably Easy

Tycoon level requirements:
Minimum coaster excitement: 4 Two coasters Condition can be achieved at any time Minimum coaster length: 1213.91ft Condition can be achieved at any time Total monthly ride income: £700 Condition can be achieved at any time Tycoon level difficulty: Very Easy

This has to be THE easiest level in the game, as all of the level goals are exceptionally easy. This level can be tycooned in one or two months!

You start off this level with a pre-made coaster, a TNT Vortex ride and a Mine Drop ride. £12,000 is in the kitty, of which £1000 is a loan.

First thing to do is pay off that loan! The interest rate is a whopping 10.9%, which means that £1,000 loan = £109 per month! As per usual, stick an information desk beside the entrance. You also might want to connect the path between Mine Drop and TNT Vortex, as the former is very out of the way. Make sure to open the rides as well.

To complete the first two of the three requirements for apprentice level, open up your RollerCoaster ride menu, and open the designs for "Spinning Wild Mouse". Pick Dizzymouse, and plop it down. Connect the queues and paths, open it, and voila, the two requirements are complete.

As for the £300 ride income, that should be complete by the end of the month. Voila! You've completed apprentice level! And if you've followed this guide, and repaid that loan, you should have made £500 too, so you instantly pass Entrepreneur level too!

If you want to be cheap, you should still have enough money to place down another Dizzymouse. If you do that, you satisfy the first 2 of the 3 objectives for Tycoon. The third arrives at the end on the month when your income has exceeded £700, which it should do without bother. Voila! Level Tycooned in 5 minutes!

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