Vanilla Hills Guide
Vanilla Hills Guide
更新时间 6 years ago Squad3

Description: The Vanilla Hills are the starting pointy on your meteoric - or not - rise to RollerCoaster Tycoon® status. Can you turn this plot into the peeps' talk of the town? Your rating as Apprentice, Entrepreneur, or Tycoon depends on it! Apprentice level requirements:

                             Guests in Park: 400
                             Condition can be achieved at any time
                             Minimum park value: £20,000.00
                             Condition can be achieved at any time

Apprentice level difficulty: Laughably Easy

Entrepreneur level requirements:

                             Guests in Park: 500
                             Condition can be achieved at any time
                             Minimum park value: £50,000.00
                             Condition can be achieved at any time

Entrepreneur level difficulty: Very Easy

Tycoon level requirements:

                             Guests in Park: 600
                             Condition can be achieved at any time
                             Minimum park value: £100,000.00
                             Condition can be achieved at any time

Tycoon level difficulty: Very Easy

Well, here you are in your first ever RCT3 career mode park, Vanilla Hills. This level is purely to break you in, and you should have absolutely no bother beating this level.

You'll start off this level with two rides (Top Spin and the "High Flier" Suspended Swinging roller coaster), and a large garden, and £10,000 in the kitty (of which £5,000 is loaned).

Start off by hiring one more janitor and one more mechanic, and a single week's ad campaign in the national newspaper to help bring in people. You should pay off the loan in it's entirety, as you should only take out loans when you've run out of cash, because at the start, every penny counts, and interest is taking away those pennies.

I would generally have this park of Generic theme, so start by placing some small rides close to the exit, such as a Merry-Go-Round, and some dodgems, and consider building a smallish Cheshire Cats ride (if you can't be bothered building one yourself, use one of the designs available to you). This should help start you off. Don't forget to place an information kiosk beside the entrance. Place a toilet close to the first rides in your park, along with an ATM. Finally, put prices up inline with my formula from earlier. Within about 5 minutes, you've passed the apprentice level!

Entrepreneur and Tycoon levels are just more of the same. At this point, you should be earning in and around £400 per month. Invest this is new rides. Any income your get, put new rides up. That should increase the peeps in your park, and your park value. You should tycoon this level within 30 minutes to 1 hour.

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