I have a suggestion about the rules(Console)
3 years ago

我有一个关于规则的建议 I have a suggestion about the rules

主机区视频,可以考虑加入“暂停节点” For video in Console, consider adding "pause points"

可以暂定为: It can be tentatively as follows:

到达地铁跟随卡洛斯之前 Before we get to the subway and follow Carlos

进入下水道接完电话之后 After Jill went down the drain and answered the phone

卡洛斯到达RPD Carlos arrives at RPD

切换Jill之后 After switching Jill

医院保卫战之前 Before the hospital battle

与T进入母巢之前 Before entering Nest 2 with T

N3之前 Before N3

N4之前 Before N4

这个规则可以展示阶段时间 This rule shows the phase time

因为有竞争对手的时间作为参考 Because there is a competitor's time as a reference

所以可以让主机区玩家共同进步 So we can let the Console runner progress together

而且可以反作弊,帮助审核员排查异常时间 Moreover, it can prevent cheating and help auditors check abnormal time

这个规则如果在主机区执行良好 If this rule is well executed in Console

将来的主机区也可以考虑通过存档实现“无序章” In the future, console can realize "no intro" through archiving

blaink, Holy_catholic_gamer 2 其他 喜欢这个