Grenade Launcher tool for runs and changes in the moderation of RE3
4 years ago
São Paulo, Brazil

imagine trying to play Leon A, but everytime you press the button it goes to claire B OMEGALUL

edit: you are not forced to use the tool if it gets allowed but why force me to reset over magnums?

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
seed, RENKiL 2 其他 喜欢这个

I can easily imagine that the opinion of YES to use GL Tool will be more than the opinion of NO.

However, deciding which category to use GL Tool in will be the moderator, and at least I don't know.

Regardless of the category in which the GL tool is used, that category will become the mainstream of the game, and you will reign as the top of that category for the time being.

Queensland, Australia

I agree with Witch in having a legacy category but I will say this as fact everyone with the opinion now won't loyally run without GL tool or maybe even run at all so that category will fall in the dust harder than the JPN leaderboards :)

It's a new age, we want to speedrun and the tops just want some form of consistency rather than wasting the time that some of them may not really have. I feel we don't need to preserve any "loyal to the game ruleset" because we aren't trying to appeal to anyone, we gladly use an SRT without blinking an eye. At the end of the day it's about what will be good for the games longevity competitively, times will get better and resetting a GL will become further and further monotonous and the game will eventually die because people would rather not waste pointless time on something that can easily be resolved for leaderboard sake.

Yandere_Maiden RebeccaRE 喜欢这个

If JPN leaderboards look easy, I think you should challenge.

The doors are not closed, and newcomers are always welcome.

The top records, including those from @TheNevs and @Orchlon, are pretty high.


Just throwing this out there, if this tool is allowed maybe add a variable to the categories " GL tool - Yes/no" that way people can just filter out the GL tool runs if they don't agree with it being used. Surely that would keep both sides happy?

se3cret, Symm 3 其他 喜欢这个

Podria dar mi opinión en inglés, pero mejor lo hago en español, total Rebecca puede leerme.

Obviamente mi voto es un "si", ya voté en el link de google, me tomé la molestia de leer a todos (aunque llegue demasiado tarde al thread) y quiero dar mi opinion al respecto. (100% argentina).

No se como agregar una cita, pero voy a citar ciertos comentarios de los que leí:

"Not everybody has the time to spend up to 5 hours trying to get outside of the RPD (happens to me, more often than I'd like to admit)". (MoeMoe_7) "I understand that modding a game should always be a NO in 99,99% of the cases, but I do believe that there can be a few exceptions when a game becomes almost impossible to run if you get a Magnum every single run for 5 hours [...] People that almost never ran the game will always vote NO because they don't understand what getting a magnum for 8 hours straight means. that itself can put people's motivation away, you reset over an RNG that doesn't make you lose or save time.". (PyramidK)

Realmente el encontrarse con la magnum en el "locker" es 100% resetear y volver a empezar a menos que estés jugando para la categoría magnum%, y no es broma cuando dicen que hay días en que ademas de lidear con cientos de resets antes de llegar, te la pasas horas y horas sin poder salir de la RPD. Es muy frustrante. WTF la gente que dice que solo es simple perdida de tiempo y que se puede seguir con la run sin problemas. Da gracia y hasta parece que quieren sacar un argumento de donde no lo hay. No comparto. (Aclaro, que si se puede seguir la run, pero olvidate de aspirar a sacar un tiempo de top tier. No he visto todas las runs que hay subidas al leaderboard pero la mayoría usan la ruta del GL, hasta se puede llegar a ver que al principio del video resetearon por que se encontraron la magnum). El hecho de que toque 100% el GL es una gran mejora y estoy segurísimo de que el juego llegará a ser mas competitivo.

Leí un comentario que hablaba sobre que los jugadores activos solo podían participar de la discusión y votar, cosa que, primero me parece incorrecta, y segundo que no hay forma de decir "activos" como tal, ya que por ejemplo: Yo soy de grabar offline, ya que si tenes pocos viewers en tw/yt imaginate tenerlos 2 horas mirando solo basements y puros resets, se espantan todos, no te mira nadie y siento como innecesario hacer stream para 0 personas (opinión personal, cualquiera puede transmitir con los viewers que se le de la gana y como quiera). Así que no hay forma de darse cuenta si estuve jugando o no, aunque siendo sincero, este último mes no jugué casi nada por lo mal que me funcionaba el juego. He sacado PB pero no quiero subirlo porque aspiro a subir una run mejor.

Eso es todo, sorry por no escribir en inglés, si hay problema puedo traducirlo sin drama, quería expresarme de la mejor manera.


Just to clarify something, when I said "active runners should vote" I didn't mean only people that grind the game, maybe I didn't explain myself correctly, what I mean is people that actually run the game at least in the past year, even if it's just 1 run, but what doesn't make sense to me is to allow people that don't run this game to vote on what we do in this game, makes no sense.

By same logic I'll go to the Harry Potter forums and tell them what to do with the game even if I never ran that game in my life.

Just wanted to clarify this, peace!

Tamster, seed 5 其他 喜欢这个

If indeed routing are so different and the fact that there's already Magnum% I would just drop any% in favor of a GL%. Feature them both in the way that RE2R separates Leon and Claire.

Now players can lock into the weapon they want with a tool, or they can optionally run without it if they'd prefer that RNG dictate which category they do.

United States

I know I missed the window to vote. But as someone who spent a couple months grinding for a good time I love the idea of using the GL tool. I had so so many resets from magnum it's insane. I can understand the opposite point of view but at the end of the day this tool doesnt take away from the difficulty or skill of RE3. I see the vote was in favor of allowing the tool. I hope to see it added either as it's own category or part of any%.

Tamster, TheNevs, Symm 喜欢这个