发布于 1 year ago

Hello! Just here to inform about four things regarding the boards that have been changed.

  • The formatting of the rules have been changed to be much nicer to read, and to be more in line with other games in the series with how the formatting is.
  • The Alpha runs have been removed and we are now officially no longer accepting submissions for them. There will be no plans to have them added back. Speedrunning the game during the alpha days was very inactive, and with the release of the full game there has been zero new runs to the alpha category, and you can only access by downpatching as well. Don't fret, all info regarding the alpha runs have been put into this pastebin for you to look over if you wish. https://pastebin.com/w1tZQeZ3
  • A new update (v1.1.1) has released a few days ago and brought some new changes to the game, most notably the addition of new difficulties. Liebermode, Hestonworld, They Hate Me, POSTAL, and Nigh-Impossible have now been added to the Difficulty variable, and of course v1.1.1 has been added to the Version variable. If running on old versions, you only have access to three (pre-v1.0.8.) or four (v1.0.8-v1.1.0) difficulties, so be sure to choose those instead.
  • Yes this has to do with the boards, but the autosplitter/load remover supports v1.1.1. Please don't bug SpectralPlatypus just yet unless there's a very glaring issue with it, in which case please do.

Thank you for reading, happy running!

发布于 2 years ago

UPDATE: The autosplitter/load remover can now be activated within LiveSplit itself. The original news post is still under and unedited if interested. If you don't know how to activate it, look here: https://www.speedrun.com/postal4/guide/4kvkb

User SpectralPlatypus has developed a load remover for use for runs and as such through the testing done with it, it matches up with the previous load definitions we use for manually timing out loads, and is perfectly good for running with. The download is in the resources tab.

Currently, this only works with v1.0.5 on the Steam version. Future patches will obviously need to have the load remover adjusted incase the address/pointer/whatever changes for some reason. Other versions like GOG will eventually be supported but for the basic need, it's currently just v1.0.5 Steam.

Any% and ILs will use time without loads and will be ranked by that. Alpha runs will stay RTA and will lay dormant for god knows how long.

Thank you for reading, happy running!

发布于 2 years ago

With the release of Postal 4, the boards haven't been updated due to the moderators being inactive. Now, that problem has been fixed, and now the boards are actually updated.


  • Any% has now been added. Any% Alpha has been moved into misc. More full game categories will come soon if necessary, but this is just the baseline.
  • The game rules and category rules for each respective category have been edited. Nothing much to explain here.
  • Individual days have been added under the individual level board. If full game is too much for you, you have the option to run the individual days from a new save file since the game lets you select which day you wanna start on.
  • Version variable has been added and applies to every category. Unfortunately with how the site works, I can't exclude it from the alpha category, but that's not that big of a deal.
  • Difficulty variable has been added to be more in line with the other games in the series, which have a difficulty variable. More difficulties are on the way too. Again, also applies with alpha, despite that only having one difficulty.

Thank you all for reading!

Leaderboard Changelog (1/27/23)

Hello! Just here to inform about four things regarding the boards that have been changed.

  • The formatting of the rules have been changed to be much nicer to read, and to be more in line with other games in the series with how the formatting is.
  • The Alpha runs have been removed and we are now
1 year ago
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