Imakuni% Information
Imakuni% Information
更新时间 4 years ago Raagentreg

Imakuni% is a simple meme category, where you just obtain the Imakuni promo card from the No Tutorial start point. I thought that, since it's essentially a 1 duel run, it'd be interesting to manipulate it, so I looked into the most commonly hit Imakuni frames from a soft reset, and made a deck edit that makes a lot of them fairly quick wins. Here's the route:

Blindly fight Imakuni 1 Step outside the side room, deck edit:

Tweak (remove/readd): Lightning Charmeleon Bill Lightning Comp PP [Add any card. If you got a PP or Oak from Imakuni's packs, just add the second one] Oak [Remove Meowth]

Save, soft reset, exit title screen when energy ball is on right half of N (aiming for a triple frame cluster where Imakuni will be in Fighting Club), fight

Basic fight strats: Always lead Diglett over Rattata, otherwise they might not attack while confused, and lead Lightning types over Fire/Fighting If no free retreat Poke, and no Lightning type, go with Machop, then Charmander (unless no Fighting Energy) If Machop and Machoke and Fighting Energy, set it up Always prep Pikachus and other lightning types if possible to use their 2 energy attack Try to do as much damage per turn as possible (Bite while setting up a Charmander, don't Scratch Scratch Slash) If he has 4+ Pokemon after turn 1, or 3 Pokemon and you have bad resources, reset

Below here is all of the remnants from my routing, they could be useful. Also, I used this Lua script while routing; most usefully, typing 'A' will advance RNG once.

deck edit results: 53: Lightning 54: Charmeleon 55: Bill 56: Lightning 57: Comp 58: PP 59: whatever 60: Oak

Instead of tweaking Lightning, what about tweaking 3 pre-Pikachu pokemon? (Put something in slot 53/55?) Tweak Charmeleon, tweak 2 Growlithe? (or Charizard/Growlithe)

Remove 3 Lightning?

208: [6+ TURN] Use Magnemite, set up Zapdos Frame 26 (214): he turn 1 kills his Slowpoke, set up a Magnemite, Magneton in prize 2

212: [6+ TURN] Pikachu good, but lots of basics 213X: [1 TURN] Drowzee Imakunis himself [uses 24 char] 214: [6+ TURN] Ponyta, set up Magnemite 215: [NO] FIVE POKES 216X: [2 TURN] Just Slowpoke 217X: [3 TURN] Bill -> Search for PP, lead Rattata, build up a Charmeleon [Charmander 24?] [Bill 47] 218: [8+ TURN] Diglett die, set up Pikachu, Hypno 219: [2 TURN] Use Pikachu, finish off Imakuni Drowzee, Psyduck 220: [6+ TURN] [might be a no now] Charmander, Scratch Drowzee, Comp Search for Charmeleon, Oak 221: [4 TURN] Diglett lead, Mud Slap Slowpoke, Self-destruct Farfetch'd 222: [NO] FOUR POKES, Don't even 223E: [4 TURN] Diglett lead, retreat to Pikachu, Comp Search a Lightning, you'll survive Jolting 224E: [5 TURN] Diglett lead, kill Imakuni'd Drowzee, finish off with Rattata 225E: [3 TURN] PP Low Kick turn 1, set up Pikachu to kill Farfetch'd 226E: [3 TURN] Three turn a Slowbro with Rattata; Full Heal in 52! (SO WE CAN ONLY REMOVE A FOURTH CARD (THE MEOWTH) NO MORE) 227E: [1 TURN] Magnemite 10 damage, self-kills turn 1! 228: {HE HAS 3 POKES SO MAYBE DONT BOTHER} would be ok if card 54 was Charmeleon? or 58 229: bad?? 230E: [2 TURN] Growlithe -> Arcanine flamethrower (Faster with a reshuffle? 56 trainer?) 231: [4 TURN] [EITHER 17 or 23 FIGHTING] Machop/Machoke to kill psyducks (42/43/45) 232E: [5 TURN] 54 Charmander, 26 Charmeleon? (or 23/26 Charmander, 54 Charmeleon) 233E: [2 TURN] Rattata, Comp for PP 234: [NO] FOUR POKES, Turn 1 Leek Slap through Imakuni, NO 235: [NO] THREE POKES, Turn 1 Leek Slap 54/56/57... turn 1 Leek Slap success bad. Magnemite lead, set up Growlithe -> Arcanine? (Growlithe 56?) (no Fire Energy) 236: [2 TURN] Magnemite Thunder Wave or self-destruct 237: [EH] Would need Charmander in 55, still not that good (no fire) 238: [8+ TURN] Comp Search Charmander, -> Charmeleon, he keeps getting basics 239: [NO] Zapdos that can't get energy 240: [2 TURN] Pikachu, Oak to Search to PP 241: [NO] 4 Pokes turn 1 242: [5 TURN] Use Ponyta on Farfetch'd/Psyduck, set up Magnemite to Self-Destruct Slowpoke

Original work not done by Raagentreg