More categories...
7 years ago
United Kingdom

League of legends has a category names 50kills, maybe we can implement a 50 eliminations on bots run? Obviously it would be named 1 v 6.

Also can i suggest we make the Tutorial run more defined, like 0.01's of a second, instead of just measured in seconds, therefore top placed runs can stand out more. :D thanks.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

As I have stated in the past if you guys want a new category just do a run of it. I don't mind adding new ones in, after all is a website where all runs are showcased. Feel free to do a run, post it here and I'll add in the category.

As for tutorial time, I'll see what I can do.

Jabo 喜欢这个
United Kingdom

Okay, ill play around with the game just now and find a new category :D, thanks.


Mccree headshots only on bots would be neato

United Kingdom

50 Elims category.

Rules: Must be a custom game set up with only one player on one team and bots on the other (difficulty of bots does not matter). Timer starts as soon as you are able to pick a hero, ends on the first frame of "50 player kill streak".

Just want to add more categories to the Overwatch community.

My Run to start things off - (audio desync around end of match)

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
gamebrain 喜欢这个
United Kingdom

Just had another idea for a speedrun, Fastest time to kill all bots in the training bots level. I'll get on speedrunning it :D

ALSO thanks for making the category.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
GoodleShoes 喜欢这个
Overwatch 2

With Overwatch 2 finally going live, this means that our Overwatch 1 leaderboards are all pretty much legacied. All new speedruns should now be submitted to the Overwatch 2 leaderboards, here:

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