Observation guide Quit Strat
Observation guide Quit Strat
更新时间 4 years ago Yralak

Welcome to this observation guide.

Well the rules had change ! Now we have a strat ! The quit strat. On the last WR you can see this new strat when i skip the second alien encounter in the RU arm in the First station. If you want to continue the run you absolutly need to return to the main menu after your arrival on the second station. If you don't, when you chase Emma and the light, the encounter comeback in the RU arm on the second station and soft lock the game.

After that take care, the game become i little buggy. You can had voices lines who desepear, some caracter who tp like Emma twice for me.

When you come back on the first station with Jim, comeback to the main menu a second time. If you don't, when Jim call earth and you comeback in the UN-02 the game crash. I don't know exactly why and it's really frustrating when you are at 1 hour of run.

Well that's all. Hope it can help you to try this new strat.

发布于 3 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago
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