What does "No save file manipulation to gain an advantage" mean?
1 year ago

The Game Rules say "No save file manipulation to gain an advantage", but I'm not sure what it means.

What exactly does this prohibit? ・Operation or deletion of ghost wand? ・Manipulation of spell unlock status? ・Manipulation of boss defeat status? (full heal drop or not)

United States

This rule was worded a little poorly as a catch all, and will be further clarified in an upcoming forum post. Moving forward ghost wands will likely be disallowed entirely or moved to the Hollow Egg Category. The save file manipulation refers to, for example, deliberately removing certain flags such as making the game believe you haven't killed any bosses, so that several of them drop a first-time-kill Full Regeneration. Removing spell progress to modify a chest loot reward would also similarly be disallowed.

daa130 喜欢这个

Removing spell progress to modify a chest loot reward would also similarly be disallowed.

In other words, can i assume that all spells are unlocked in the environment where the speed run is conducted?