What counts as full series?
1 year ago

I have a run of where I did Before the Storm, 1, 2 and True Colors on one sitting with time of 27:15:57. I was planning on doing actual main series speedrun that includes Captain Spirit aswell, but I'm not sure is that needed for ''full series'' category.

Christmas Island

Full series aint out yet as life is strange series aint over yet. when the last life is strange game is made it will be all of them in a certain order that crispyhanako picks for us.

Christmas Island

add captain spirit and farewell and they finally made the rules


Rules make zero sense. Why is Farewell DLC included but not Wavelengths? Why is order fixed from Farewell to True Colors ending (in-universe chronological order) instead of letting runners choose order by themselves? Could we reconsider some of these?

My suggestion is to either have games in chronological order (1-BTS-CS-2-TC) or just let runners run in order what they feel like is the best. As for DLC, you either include both DLCs or just ignore both of them. After all, that's exactly what they are. DLCs. Extras. Adds nothing to run other than time in a ridiculously long category and considering it took me 27 hours to just finish 4 games, these DLCs add crucial amount of hours in to final timer.

I see no value in CS either, but that happens to be a separate game that controls an unique character and only adds max 25 minutes to the run, so that atleast makes some sense.

编辑者 作者 10 months ago
KingNoctis420 喜欢这个
Christmas Island

i agree wavelengths should be in it. i bought wavelengths seperately to get it into full series..

and i asked @Eray he said its any order you want. start with what the first games any% rules are end with last games end split. i asked in the discord if you wanna look

my order is Farewell-BTS-LIS1-LIS2-LISTC-CS cause of it. so i start with chloe sagas X press and end with the final cutscene of CS

编辑者 作者 10 months ago
发布于 10 months ago