Beat the Game Guide
Beat the Game Guide
更新时间 4 years ago
  1. Pick Beach because it takes a LOT less time to finish than Mountain does.

  2. Go to the "Game Length" option, hover over "Friends to Find: 1", press A.

  3. Select character and start timer at same time. (Character you pick doesn't matter as far as I know.)

  4. Roll the highest so you go first. (You can pick the number that you roll (it's not random, just timing based), but the cpus roll quick so you might need to restart a couple times to get first. Moving first is VERY much worth doing.)

  5. Roll a 5-10. (10 is safest because it gives you more leeway for the next roll.) Land on a challenge game space, friend space, or some space that will give you a second roll right away. (if you don't mind resetting, just yolo this and don't look at the map. If you want to play it safe, look at the map first before rolling and see if there are any good spaces at 5-10) -- You can choose what number you roll, you just need to learn to time your A press right.

6a) IF YOU LANDED ON A FRIEND SPACE, AND if you get the option to buy from the store and you have enough coins, purchase a gas can and use it. From space 5 or 6, roll a 10 to go 20 spaces and win the game. (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP) End splits at the birthday cutscene. From space 7 or 8, roll a 9 to go 18 spaces. (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP) End splits at the birthday cutscene. From space 9 or 10, roll an 8 to go 16 spaces. (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP) End splits at the birthday cutscene.

6b) IF YOU LAND ON A FRIEND SPACE, AND you DON'T get the option to purchase something, or don't have enough coins to buy a gas can, you need to roll a 5-10 (depending on what you rolled before) and land on a space that will give you another roll. (such as a challenge game space. tbh i'm not sure how the other spaces give you extra rolls sometimes? i don't quite understand that at the moment.) (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP)

6c) IF YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR FRIEND ALREADY, you need to roll a 5-10 (depending on what you rolled before) and land on a friend space. From space 5, you must roll at least a 10, so don't look at the map for this no matter what. From space 6, you must roll at least a 9, so look at the map to see if there is a friend space in the two available spaces. (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP) From space 7, you must roll at least an 8, so look at the map to see if there is a friend space in the three available spaces. (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP) From space 8, you must roll at least a 7, so look at the map to see if there is a friend space in the four available spaces. (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP) From space 9, you must roll at least a 6, so look at the map to see if there is a friend space in the five available spaces. (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP) From space 10, you must roll at least a 5, so look at the map to see if there is a friend space in the six available spaces. (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP) (If you want to yolo it all just don't look at map at all.) (If you want to play super safe, you happen to have enough coins, AND get the option to shop, you can buy a gas can and be able to roll any number from the space you are on to get to a friend, then use gas can next turn to get to the end.)

  1. Roll the remaining amount of spaces you have left until you get to the lap space. (Lap is at 25 spaces.) (ALWAYS TAKE THE BRIDGE, THEN TURN LEFT TO GO UP) End splits at the birthday cutscene. Space 15 = roll 10 Space 16 = roll 9 Space 17 = roll 8 Space 18 = roll 7 Space 19 = roll 6 Space 20 = roll 5

The mini-game(s) you get are pretty important, as getting short games will save you a lot of time. Even if you throw the games, having a friend and getting to the end quick is plenty to have you win the board. There are other ways you can go about finishing the board, and feel free to test out other things you think will be faster, because I have only just figured out how to consistently make the game end and how the game length options work.

I haven't personally tried, but it might be possible that hitting a reverse space first and reversing behind the lap to a friend space, then hitting the lap would end the game, but I'm not sure. (if it does, I think that potentially just getting a friend and hitting a reverse space into the lap might also work?) but it definitely doesn't count as 1 lap, so I'm not sure if getting a lap is required at all.

I might type up a guide for all the mini-games on beach, but I feel like most speed strats are pretty obvious for the games. Just try and lose games that are faster to lose, and win games that are faster to win. (if the game is the same either way, winning is the better option, but overall it's safe if you lose)

If you can get a gas can on the second turn (honestly not sure if you CAN [lol]) then winning the game would be faster no matter what as long as you get the friend space first turn on spaces 6-10.

Guide might be updated in the future
