MR2: "Pink Power Grab" IL Notes
MR2: "Pink Power Grab" IL Notes
更新时间 4 years ago TalonLumini

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Pink Power Grab Notes Quest: Hunt Pink Rathian(Pinky) Location: Coral Highlands Initial Spawn: Area 5: Tree area with sleep toads

It should be noted that this is written from the perspective of a hammer main, so some details may not be as helpful depending on the weapon you're using.

First, we will go over Pinky's attacks before getting into the quest details.


Triple Charge (3x) This charge is a time waster if it's not interrupted. If you're able to get a head shot, then you can flinch her out of it. Be careful about being around walls when she does this move since the sliding can turn a miss into a hit and give you bad angles for counter attacks.

Single Charge This move is a bad time waster as it leaves the head away from you.

Side Bite This move will be seen a lot in a run. This move will be used as a combo starter for a variety of moves. Depending on your position, she has a higher chance of doing different moves. Combos are Side Bite->Forward Bite->Repeat Side bite ->charged fireball Side bite-> forward bite-> back hop into triple fireball This move can be super armored

Forward bite This move will only be seen after a side bite, which is commonly done if you are in front of her after the first bite. This move will then combo into a 3rd move to finish it up, or will go into a side bite to repeat the combo. This move can not be super armored

Charged fireball There are two variations of this attack. The first is a standalone attack that is usually done when you have some distance from her. She will take a couple of steps back and then fire an aoe fireball at your feet. If you I-frame the fireball, you'll usually avoid the small explosion. The second variation comes after the side bite in the combo. After the side bite, this move usually comes out if you're a little ahead of her, but more towards your side. If you stay close to her neck/body, this move will miss you. The fireball will drop right in front of her for a small explosion. She stays still when prepping this attack.

Triple Fireball She will either do this when there is distance between you and her, or it will come out as a combo finisher after the forward bite. If its a part of the side-bite combo, being under her raises the chance of her jumping back, causing wind pressure. She will always fire middle->her right -> her left. Tail flip Potentially done twice when enraged Getting hit gives you badly poisoned. This will eat up about 450 hp. You have 150 if you get the canteen bonus Easiest to sky dunk

Sky charge Usually done after a tail flip, though there is typically distance between you and her before she does it. Timing is tight, but you can sky dunk this move, though its tricky because her head moves left and right. If you miss the head shot, depending on how high she is vs how low you are, you can slip between her legs.

Side tail flip This will usually come out if you are standing by her side. Although its easier to avoid than normal tail flip, it can waste time if you don't get the sky dunk. Try repositioning to her front when she's enraged to bait a 2nd tail flip instead of side or sky charge. This move can be tricky to punish due to her increased height when she does this.

Monster Rotation

Monster Rotation has a heavy influence on this quest. Depending on who's on the map and where they spawn will be critical for a smooth quest.

Here's the potential monster rotation Pinky | Fulgur | Tzi Tzi Pinky | Paolumu | Tzi Tzi Pinky | Fulgur | Paolumu

Out of the 3 rotations, Fulgur+Tzi is the kindest one while any time Paolumu is on the map, you'll consider restarting because Paolumu is almost guaranteed to show up.

But once you have the roster you want, monster spawn is the biggest influence on how smooth the run goes, with Fulgur being the biggest decider.

Fulgur has 3 spawns.
Area 3, Area 8, Area 5 with Pinky Fulgur in Area 3 If you get him in Area 3, then it is GUARANTEED that he will show up. Usually, when you complete a triple claw hit+tenderize at the start, you'll see him waltz in. If they see each other, you WILL lose more time. Dung Fulgur asap. Be careful of roaring. Fulgur roars per combatant he sees and when he runs off. If Pinky sees him and starts attacking him, you lost time.

Fulgur in Area 8 This is the god-tier spawn for Fulgur. The probability of him showing up are next to none. If he shows up in your fight, its very unlucky.

Fulgur with Pinky in Area 5 He will spawn next to Pinky which can lead to different scenarios for the run.

Scenario 1: He doesn't leave. This is a rare bad luck scenario. Pinky and Fulgur will keep fighting and getting rid of Fulgur is a massive time waster. This is a reset scenario.

Scenario 2: Pinky shoos off Fulgur This is a good scenario with a low reset rate. Its rare, but sometimes Fulgur comes back to fight. Be wary on how far away Fulgur is if you decide to dispose of the first sleep toad with a dung pod. If he's too close, you'll lure him back to Pinky.

Scenario 3: Fulgur tells Pinky to shoo. 3A: She transitions to area 4. You will see her move here before you get to the initial fight area, so you can head to area 4 with no time loss. This can be a blessing because of the flooring. If you stagger her here, it will act as a mini pitfall trap. When she recovers, you get the opportunity to sky dunk. It should be noted that she starts the area flying, making it tricky to clutch on. It should also be noted that if Gajalaka appear, its a reset for those following TA Wiki rules. Scenario 3B: She transitions to her nest. This scenario is exceedingly rare, but if you see the map and see that X at her nest, then if you're fast enough, you can go back to camp and run to nest to catch her without timeloss. This area is a huge advantage because the platforms here are small, meaning that her charging attacks don't send her to space, and you can keep fighting without worrying about stopping the limp.
The next monster to talk about is Paolumu. Paolumu always spawns at its area guaranteed. This means that whenever Paolumu is on the map, it’s just a matter of when it will show up to ruin the day. If Paolumu shows up on the map, be prepared to restart the run for when he does show. Though rare, there is a small chance Pao will spawn at the trees with Pinky, allowing you to dung him away.

Lastly, Tzi Tzi is the last monster to show up on this quest. Having him is a blessed occurrence since he never shows up at the initial pinky spawn. The only chance you have at seeing him is if Pinky transitions to area 4 at the start. You want Tzi to be there for less resets.

In summary, you want Fulgur in Area 8 and Tzi on the map for the best chance to have a run with 0 interruptions.

Fight Area Notes

When arriving, its advised to shoot the first sleep toad to get rid of him. You don't want to run the risk of triggering him in the fight and risk yourself getting put to sleep.
Even if you do freestyle/any%, Pinky will only fall asleep from 1 frog, so having two out is a detriment

If doing Freestyle, the area has 2 ledges to abuse. The first one is a small platform by the zipline. The second is left of the platform that transitions to Paolumu's area.

If you use hammer, be wary about charging too close to the trees and some of the walls. The flooring at the base of them counts as a slope. If you're not intending on using it, it can catch you off guard. This also means you can do a small jump that can lead to a mount.

Be careful about clutching at the beginning. If she's too close to the sleep frog, you can accidentally hit the frog since the claw scrapes along the ground.

If you miss cutting off the transition, just quickly open map and go to your starting camp. You can beat her to the nest, rebuff, and get a lvl 3 hammer charge ready as she flies down. If you're too slow, she'll descend further down wasting more time.

Her transition spot is the side of the cliff you came by. If you fail to kill her by the transition, it will.add 15-25 seconds to your run. Transition delays Stagger Clagger KO Mount Sky Dunk Trip Status Other monster Sleep frog (Non-TA)

Small Movement Optimization on heading to the fight.

Even though it’s small, you can at least save a half a second or so depending on how you travel and buff to the fight. Buff while falling You lose a little movement speed while you’re buffing up. Cut down on this by buffing when you fall off the cliffs while you go!

“Italian Powder.” It’s a tech that was discovered by Pepo(Please please please correct me if I’m wrong, because I am prone to misremembering things) where you shoot a rock at the ground and you use the radial wheel to quickly select demon powder. For whatever reason, doing so will allow the buff to apply a little faster than the animation itself, allowing you to shoot the ground and then quickly buff. It at least works in special arena. So the idea here is to dispose of the sleep frog as you’re falling and buff yourself.
If you wanted your buff to be there a couple of seconds longer in the fight, shoot the 1st frog as you're falling. After you land, go ahead and buff. By the time you finish the buff, Pinky should be in range for you to clutch if that's your approach.

Slide once By slide once, I mean try not to let your character get caught in the sliding animation more than once. Resetting the slide will cost you a little bit of time which can be the difference on whether or not you make your time goals!

Slide animation skip Skipping the animation to go straight to a slide has the potential to save maybe 0'00"10ish seconds, but it could be the difference between sub 4 and 5. To skip the animation, dodge roll onto the slideable floor and you'll start sliding after the roll without slowing down to begin the slide animation

Time Saves

Sky Dunk Interrupt Triple Charge Not getting poisoned No healing unless you have health augment No monsters show up. Charging is kept to a minimum No Sky Charges Interrupt sky charge Fireballs Stagger chaining EX: Triple Charge Stagger ->Stagger->clagger->KO-> Sky Dunk

Time Sinks Failing to stop transition Getting caught in roars Repeating the start of slide animation Healing with items Other Monsters show up Especially repeatedly Failing to keep tenderize up(This will vary from weapon to weapon as Gunlance doesn't need tenderizing if you utilize Long shelling) She charges too much Getting caught in sleepfrog's sleep gas.