Got emerald , diamond , iron and gold (principal minerals)
4 years ago

yeah idk why this isn't a category yet

maybe coal, lapis, redstone, quartz should be added idk

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
KilleDragon 喜欢这个

Official Response:

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
DrunkGecko 喜欢这个

nice strawman it aint a meme category, getting diamond+emerald is already a thing, why would combining them (together with the other ores) be considered a meme? get outta hereeeeee

we need more category extensions

编辑者 作者 4 years ago


also, obtain diamond/emerald will never not be a meme category altho mine diamond/emerald are still the most pure categories

编辑者 作者 4 years ago


Basque Country

@luckytyphlosion , to response to @AprilSR , in general with that responce: We can run it without the category, of cours, I know that; But, dude, maybe, sometimes, we would like to that category for it of more than 1 like the idea; And that can be saying for any category, for that we simply doesnt need any leaderboard and we doesnt need if we always can run without it; But dude, for something this leaderboard exist, no? :) ; So, I dont understand why it cant be added, because "you can run it without the leaderboard" is a reason because of that maybe is not most important than the 3rd world war to have it, but its not a good argument to cant have it

"Like we do" Okey, you do it, I doesnt have any problema if you doesnt like to have your category idea in the leaderboard; But we are not all like you :/ ; To you dont like doents mean that we also have to not like it; I mean, we maybe like to have it until if you doesnt have it

So, pls, stop to use always the argument of that is not needed a leaderboard to run it, because simply is not a "cant-be-posible-because-of-this" argument ;)

Thats my opinion :D

Portland, OR, USA

That comment was supposed to be at least half-joking and I did not intend it to ever be posted as an official statement.


can we try to add an all ores category extension and see if explodes or not

Basque Country

@Hess what do you mean? lol

Basque Country

YES, thanks you so much! Then I prove to try to run it

1.19 Categories + Cover Me In Debris

Split select categories affected by the 1.19 update:

• Added 1.19 split to All Advancements. • Added 1.19+ split to How Did We Get Here? • Added 1.19+ split to All Wood Logs. • Added 1.19+ split to Kill All Bosses: ‣ Kill the Ender Dragon, a Wither, an Elder Guardian, and a Ward

1 year ago