How to Fly
How to Fly
更新时间 6 months ago Elat


In order to get knack to fly, you need to climb a ladder wall. Before you reach the top make sure to jump that way you vault on top of the climb. Now you need to pause during the animation of when knack is pulling himself up to the top. You can't be mounted on the wall. You can't be standing up top. If you pause during this animation go ahead and close the level or if it's a time attack go ahead and hit retry. The next level you start when you jump you will start flying.


Load up time attack 9. Grab the sunstone at the start using it to kill the 3 enemies. Go up to climb ladder wall. Climb up the wall but stop right before the end. Jump so knack vaults up the wall. During the animation of knack vaulting up the wall pause the game. Now hit retry to restart time attack 9. If it worked you will fly once you jump. If it did not work. Try again.


if you want to return your game state to normal there are currently 3 methods of cancelling flight.

#1. you can climb a wall to the top and do the vault over animation.

#2. you can load into chapter 13-5, the boss sucking in knack at the beginning returns game state to normal.

#3. You can close your game application and re launch the game.


The glitch will remain in effect in the campaign, all individual chapter levels, time attacks and coliseums. The entire game.

If I mention being "soft-locked" what I mean is you are stuck and need to restart the level. The game isn't crashed but there's no way to get unstuck.

Sunstone shock wave and sunstone projectile attack will soft lock you as you will just float in the air. Sunstone tornado attack is save to use.

If you get hit by an enemy there is a 90% chance it will soft lock you. Sometimes it doesn't but more often than not it will.

If you jump and immediately jump again to initiate a double jump. Then you will still go flying but you can be brought back down to the ground by attacking. 90% of the time when you land you will be soft locked but sometimes knack can wall.

If you jump to start flying. And mid air you dash. You will floating stationary and not be able to move. If you wiggle your left joy stick you can regain movement and you'll be able to steer and fly to wherever you want. This isn't that great because you can't land unless you find a surface at your height level. This is however useful sometimes. I make use of this in a couple of my time attack runs because it's the fastest method.

If you run of a ledge you will just start floating. This can be beneficial in a lot of areas as it's not always optimal to start randomly flying. If you ever start unintentionally floating slightly off the ground you are not soft locked. Try to fly around until you find a surface that is at the same height as you or slightly more elevated and you will be able to land and run again.

MOST IMPORTANT MOVEMENT FLIGHT TECH: If you jump you will start flying. Don't attack, don't dash, don't jump immediately. If you jump again later then you will be brought back to the ground and you will not be soft locked. You will be able to run again 100% of the time unless you landed in a kill trigger or fell through the map.

Unknown: There's probably a lot of about this glitch still unknown because it's a brand new tech. When more info is discovered I will try to make sure to update this.

Back Story: On July 21, 2014 Kasht-pr posted a video to his channel "Knack - Flying Glitch?" This was the first and only known discovery of the flying glitch. The video does not give insight on how to do the glitch. And there's no footage of prior to the glitch happening. This glitch would remain a mystery for 9 years. 11/6/2023 Elat catches covid and gets 5 days off of work. I decided to spend this time playing knack what else was I to do. I was going after several iL speedrun records. I decided to take on 3-4. On 11/8/2023, I climb a wall in 3-4. I wasn't liking the run so I decided to reset. I closed the level during the vault animation off a ladder wall. When I reloaded 3-4 I tried to bunny hop and instead I flew. The glitch had been discovered. I saved my last 30 minutes of footage. However all I needed to understand the glitch was the ending of my last 3-4 run before the start of the next. Which is the first clip of this video.

Note: This is not considered a "Restart Glitch" which are banned in time attacks and coliseums. This is a glitch that can be done in the campaign, in individual levels, or in time attacks.

关卡: 8-1 Back to Basics
关卡: 5-1 The Doctor's Plan
关卡: 4-3 Stealth Knack
关卡: 9-1 Scaling the Wall
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