About Hardcore Speedrun
2 years ago
Poitou-Charentes, France

Hello ! It's possible tu split the two difficulty ?

Because Hardcore run are not played like a normal run.

In stage mode any% you don't really care about the different between hardcore or normal.

BUT, if i want to try to do a speedrun Myth Any% in Hardcore, if i died once or more, my time will be totally different than a normal difficulty run.

In Normal you don't really care about taking damage, but in Hardcore if you don't have any defensive item like the Body pillow or Headphones, you'll be instantly dead.

So i'm asking, for some categories, splitting the normal and hardcore difficulty would be cool.

What did you think about that ?

Have a wonderful day !

Cdt HopeXenoblade (PS: Sorry for my poor English)


Hi HopeXenoblade

While I absolutely understand your point, I feel like we already have a lot of redundant categories for this game that might never see any play.

You can try talking to other people in the community about this, and if enough of you guys want to split the categories then we'll do it. You could eventually try to do so on the Discord server. As it stands now though, it seems unlikely to happen.

A wonderful day to you too!


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