Good Ending Guide
Good Ending Guide
更新时间 6 years ago DezertPenguin8

Harvest Moon GBC 3 Good Ending Guide (Male)

Good Ending Requirements

-3 of each animal -At least 300 items shipped. -Married -Farmer Evaluation Score of at least 50.

Farmer Evaluation Score

-Go to the Farmer's Union building on the Mainland, and talk to the person to the right. Only accept jobs for shipping items you have. Grow 1 turnip, and 1 asparagus in spring year 2, because they can ask you to ship these. (Use the Duplication Glitch to do part-time jobs).

-How many Farmer Evaluation points you get per job depends on how much money you make. Under 2k G USUALLY gives you 1, over 2k G USUALLY gives you 2, over 3k G USUALLY gives you 3, ect. Save on Winter 25, and sleep until the end to make sure you have enough. If not, just re-load, and do more jobs to get to 50.

Item Shipments

-Plant and water 3 potatoes. -Use a berry to do the money glitch. Sell 300 items, and dupe potatoes to give to your partner.

-You will have to dupe potatoes multiple times, so you can sell the 300 items over the multiple dupes.

-You will need 54,000g for animals & grass, so sell enough potatoes to be over 54k.

Partner Events

-"I'm getting used to farm life." - Setting a goal -"Umm... I'm kind of bored..." - Impossible Dream (Buy a chicken & have her feed it for a day.) -"Lets work hard together." - Dad's Letter -"I guess we live together..." - A Serious Question -"I have to make Dad's dream come true!" - Marriage

-You MUST get the events during their current level. If you progress an affection stage, you can't get the event again.


-Clear the Horse, Cow, Chicken, & Sheep fields. Buy 25 grass seeds and plant 6 bags of grass on each field.

-You also need to have 30 fodder in the Silo. Just cut some down from the gras you've planted.

-Wait until the end of Winter on year 2 to buy the animals, you need 3 of each.


-Sleep until year 3.

-Timing ends when the screen fades to white to begin the credits.

发布于 3 years ago
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