Downloading other versions of the game through steam
Downloading other versions of the game through steam
更新时间 6 years ago Fir

In general you just need to follow through the guide linked below, but to save you time I've already located the proper IDs to download the version of the game you may want for speedrunning. This means you can safetly ignore steps 1-4.


General App ID and Depot ID for HLD: App ID: 257850 Depot ID: 257851

4/1 Patch Console Command: download_depot 257850 257851 6581810038893780372

10/27 Patch Console Command: download_depot 257850 257851 2399266238090370119

5/18 Patch Console Command: download_depot 257850 257851 6581810038893780372

For the case of Hyper Light Drifter, you shouldn't have to replace the files found in your game folder with the newly downloaded files. The folder with all the files you downloaded should have an exe to launch the game, so you can just move the newly downloaded folder somewhere else on your computer and make note of it for later use.

As a side note, there is a small chance the 3rd ID located in any of the three console commands is for the wrong patch, if that's the case PLEASE tell me and I'll try to fix it. Also if you have any questions feel free to ask me on discord because this is a really rough guide that I just wanted to get out there in case anyone wanted to run any% on 10/27 or any different patch categories. Thanks.