Categorys for GTA5
10 years ago
Hesse, Germany

Wanna ask about some categorys for gta 5 i dont complete this game in one segment because the game is totally fucked and i would never beat dekaps time :D

But im interested for some sub-categorys like Trevor% Martin% Blair Country Heisst%... suff like that.

what do you think ?


Pac should add Trevor% next to classic and any% since everybody who runs GTA V runs that category so we have all times in one place.

Nordtecx 喜欢这个

So i was thinking, some games have categorys ( w/ DLC ) as sub category. What if we would ban DLC stuff for main categorys ( Classic% / Any% and 100% ) and allow them for sub categorys so that there are 3 main categorys without dlc and same categorys as sub + dlc allowed. Also 100% should be added as main and Any% without mission fail skips as sub not main.

I know we had a vote but i am still concerned about when it comes out on pc where the dlc will be already integraded as buy in weapon shop thing.


the idea itself isn't too bad, but it wouldn't really work for this game. in most games that have "w/dlc" categories, there's a bigger time difference between the normal category and normal category w/dlc. and in this game there isn't too much difference. (but don't take my word on this, i don't run this game)


Its just there will be people who wount run the game if dlc is allowed, especially when pc comes out but ok could wait and see what happens.

BangarangPls 喜欢这个
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