Should Teams Be Brought Back?
2 years ago
Iowa, USA

I think that it would be a good idea. Thoughts below…

Wrap, Deux 4 其他 喜欢这个
United States

Yes just because I want a page dedicated to Farmington and guides/resources associated with it

BBoppers, Wrap 7 其他 喜欢这个
Iowa, USA

I agree with you

New South Wales, Australia

Wait they got removed!?

Act_ YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
Somerset, England

@jackzfiml where was it even possible to add them?

Gaming_64, Deux, Act_ 喜欢这个
Somerset, England

But on what page?

Gaming_64, Deux, Act_ 喜欢这个
Aberdeen, Scotland

Teams were solely used for creating Marathons which SRC doesnt even really host anymore so its kinda a pointless feature to re-add?

Daravae, Merl_ 4 其他 喜欢这个
Iowa, USA

What if they don’t use teams for marathons anymore?

Deux YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个
Aberdeen, Scotland

then what would they use it for?

Act_ 喜欢这个
Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

communities/groups like discord, maybe for tournaments or organizing certain things for those who dont use discord or for places that dont have discord servers

Wrap, Deux, Act_ 喜欢这个

you can always just make a discord account/server


I think it could be cool to bring back as like a social thing similar to Twitch rather than a marathon thing.

But yeah to those wondering, Teams/Marathons weren't removed, but rather they broke at some point back and we didn't even notice for quite a while because no one was using them anyway. I'm sure Teams (and maybe marathons too?) will probably come back at some point, but they're definitely not a top priority compared to things like improving the leaderboard and moderator experience imo

Gaming_64, Wrap 4 其他 喜欢这个