Even more recent updates
9 years ago

Games: • Games by series are now ordered by year of release • An option was added to games to hide Emulator runs by default • An option was added to leaderboards to hide runs without a video • An option was added to games to disable moderation from the series above it • An option was added to profiles to hide obsolete runs (and improved by Lighnat0r to only show the option if there are obsolete runs). • The link to ROM hacks is now hidden to non-mods if there are no ROM hacks • Fixed a name duplication glitch wherein a mod would show up twice if s/he's a mod of a game and the series above it. • When a user signs up, all existing runs in their name are tied to them automatically • Better messages now appear on profiles and leaderboards if there are no runs submitted • Game covers can now be any ratio you want; not just DVD size - example

Layout: • Drop shadows have been added to all boxes and tables (thanks for the suggestion, CryZe) • Leaderboards now have alternating row colours (thanks for the suggestion, CryZe) • I've done a HTML cleanup, but there may have been a few tables still without a background that I missed - if you see any, please inform me • Edit theme now says Add theme if it doesn't exist • The number of options available in Edit theme has been reduced. The others are now generated automatically based on Box • The navigation bar now has its own colour, independent of the Box colour • Edit theme now has a colour picker so you can see what colour you're choosing • The logos on a few themes have been improved • The ESA 2015 HYPE theme has been added. On this (and other lighter themes), username colours are inverted. • A new default theme has been created, and the old one is now available under Mint (as always, go to Settings to change theme)


What's next? Alternative languages. Prepare yourselves, the Japanese are coming.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 16 其他 喜欢这个
United States

Nice work. I like the new nav bar.

Might want to add version adjustment support if the Japanese are coming though. For games like The Legend of Zelda (but not Zelda 2), Faxanadu, and Little Nemo/Pajama Hero, the games are identical apart from text, and so it's possible to directly compare times if you subtract an adjustment time from the English version.

Sorry if this is in the wrong spot.


Always there for some french translation ;)

Pac 喜欢这个
Gelderland, Netherlands

We need all the languages! kappaDisco



Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm This update is probably the best one around here Kappa

Well, it was a really small but annoying problem that got rekt and I'm glad to witness this! Way to go!

1UpsForLife S. 喜欢这个

Edit game table background missing ;)

Great job BTW FrankerZ

Pac 喜欢这个

Thanks for all your work, really enjoying using the website.

Pac 喜欢这个
Wisconsin, USA

You've really come a long way man, keep it up

Pac 喜欢这个