dude what the hell is this
3 years ago
French Southern Territories

@Oreo321 I've never done that before. I probably should at least look over it, but I always just click accept

TrenttheN642 喜欢这个

Welp @Merl_, there's no better time to start than now.

TrenttheN642 Pear 喜欢这个

The best rejection I have ever seen

TrenttheN642 喜欢这个
European Union

It was an april fools thing by Khalooody and Jerrin, the legendary leaders of the glorious LCE community! (LCE > Java)

Many people got that rejection message

Fedecrash02, Hako 9 其他 喜欢这个
Ohio, USA

hi there

Ivory, O.D.W., Merl_ 喜欢这个
Ohio, USA

wait i know why you got the notification @4, bc when i submitted the run to among us% the mod changed the runners from me to the numbers 1-12

MrMonsh Merl_ 喜欢这个

this has started a very VERY intresting trend


jerrinth3glitch, 1 2 其他 喜欢这个
Aberdeen, WA, USA

time to hide easter eggs in it

1 喜欢这个
Texas, USA

We have been noticed in the best way possible :0

jerrinth3glitch 1 喜欢这个

Ok, but why is your OBS white?

Ohio, USA

Took you guys long enough to notice lol

Khalooody jerrinth3glitch 喜欢这个
Abruzzo, Italy

So yeah, anyway, shoutout to Minecraft Legacy Console 😎

jerrinth3glitch 喜欢这个

I didnt make it, it was made by jerrinth3glitch It was very cool tho 😎

Naegi, jerrinth3glitch, 1 喜欢这个
European Union

Java Edition is cringe. Real men play Legacy Console Edition.

Khalooody, jerrinth3glitch, Merl_ 喜欢这个
United States

Legacy Console Beta... a game for true legends.

jerrinth3glitch 喜欢这个

True gamers play Lamecraft, a homebrew port of Minecraft for the PSP. KEKW

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
French Southern Territories

real true ultra gamers play paper minecraft on scratch

United States

Maximum gamers play Minicraft .jar edition


True gamers play minecraft for 3ds where the little knob is used to look around.

United States

Ulti-supreme gamers play Infiniminer.