What If?
2 years ago
New Jersey, USA

Reply with any theories you are interested in? (I don't have any topic, so u can just pick your own)


What if people were speedrunning in the early 1800's

Iowa, USA

What if @Pac didn't exist?

YUMmy_Bacon5 喜欢这个

@Colors then i wouldnt get nsfw ads

Deux 喜欢这个

What if donator badges still existed?


[quote] what if you got some bitches? [/quote] impossible

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
bold 喜欢这个
United States

What if this is Pear’s 2500th post? 😱

landus, Encripted, Wrap 喜欢这个

Then I'd congratulate you

Iowa, USA

What if this was Act_’s 1,429th Post?

YUMmy_Bacon5 landus 喜欢这个

What if src never existed

New Jersey, USA

What if Fortnite was minecraft and minecraft was fortnite

landus Deux 喜欢这个

What if i dont exist


what if yumenikki was all just a dream

United States

What if someone kept bumping their own thread?

Deux landus 喜欢这个
New Jersey, USA

What if gaming never existed

Deux landus 喜欢这个
United States

What if 3DS got at least two new physical releases in 2022? 🤔

cough cough fragrant story andro dunos cough

New Jersey, USA

What if pear was never a fruit and apple would be the only fruit?


I looked up at the computers during 1800's and don't think that there's already a game to do a speed run on that time. Also, the computer was first built in 1910 and it looks like a machine used in farming with no monitors, mouse, or controller. hahaha. On another note, I found this game called Anno 1800 seems like it is good to explore.