I need a new game to glitch hunt
1 year ago
Texas, USA

I have found every glitch that I can find in all of my speed games. I need a new game. It can be any genre, any generation, anything, it doesn't matter. all I need is a somewhat unoptimized game for me to poke and prod around in for glitches (the game being free would be pretty cool though).

I'm glitching my way through glover 2 if you wanna help. I just posted about it.


Aconite BETA, not quite an optimized game, and we are now looking for glitches. The game is free.

Gaming_64 喜欢这个
French Southern Territories

The Spyro community is offering $500 to anyone who can discover a new, consistent method of performing the "coveless" skip. They're discovering a lot of new glitches in that game right now, so you could try that one. Good luck! https://speedrun.com/spyro1

Lameshark Pear 喜欢这个
North Carolina, USA

I'd really love some help breaking Buffy The Vampire Slayer on Original Xbox! I've found several skips, but i'm wanting to find more and also some useful glitches

Lameshark the_stuipid33 喜欢这个
Iowa, USA

Resolutiion could use some glitches, right now it's mostly a walk-fight gameplay loop with one boss skip. Quitting to menu during interactions can cause a useless sort of text storage but nothing useful along the lines of interaction storage exists yet.