
what up lol

Monmouthshire, Wales

Greetings, nice speedruns!

ThatPunk_MachRider 喜欢这个

Thank you! Nice single time records! Mach R was my name online when I used to play Excitebike online back in the day! I wonder if we've ever raced lol

Wrap 喜欢这个
Monmouthshire, Wales

Nice going with the track times. I was surprised that Bronze Canada was the last to get beaten, was that the most difficult one?

ThatPunk_MachRider 喜欢这个

Hey yeah, funny enough Bronze Canada ended up being the toughest one to break! Off the top of my head I remember you needing the RNG to be perfect 2 laps in a row so you can hit enemies and not have to let off the gas. It's always the short races that are the most difficult. You really set some tough records for me to break my fellow biker, haha :D

Also, apologies for not noticing your message sooner. Somehow I didn't see the notification for it!

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
发布于 1 year ago
发布于 1 year ago
发布于 1 year ago