Fastest Text Boxes (WIP)
Fastest Text Boxes (WIP)
更新时间 1 year ago LamasareBRW

Fastest Text Boxes Endings Done: Soapy Ending

  1. Whats the Pay like (last option)

  2. Okay. (2nd Option)

  3. Nahh lets get straight to Business (last option)

  4. WW1 WW2 (2nd option)

  5. Sure Thing! (1st option)

  6. Sounds Dumb (last option)

  7. any option

Soapy Ending:

  1. Cam 05

  2. Search Arcade (4th option) (Repeat until 6pm)

  3. How (1st option)

  4. any option

  5. Thats uhh (1st option)

  6. Gotchay chief (1st option)

  7. Cam 05

  8. Search Arcade (4th option) (Repeat until 6pm)

  9. I sure am, chief (2nd option)

  10. I'm on it chief (1st option)

  11. Cam 03

  12. Cam 06

  13. any option

  14. any option

  15. 2nd or 3rd option

  16. saferoom (1st option)

  17. Listen to the tape (2nd option)

  18. Put on the suit (1st option)

  19. Leave

  20. Leave Hallway

  21. Cam 03

  22. Perform (1st option)

  23. Nonsence (2nd option)

  24. (2nd option)

  25. (2nd option)

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1 year ago
发布于 1 year ago
发布于 2 years ago
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