Version difference category leaderboards / filters required due to v1.0.2 being much slower
3 years ago
East Sussex, England
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

In my testing, it seems to be the case that Version 1.0 has some time saving glitches which patch 1.0.2 does not have, specifically the following three which I unintentionally have used which probably helped in my multi-minute lead over second place in my recent run.

  • easier to execute skipping of the social media feed

This isn't so major, but, for some reason 1.0.2 removed the ability to use the A button to skip this final prompt which 1.0 had. From this, you have to move from the A button to the B button after submitting your photo. On 1.0, you can instead just mash A & X instead to get through the photography section AND the social media feed, which seems to be how my times are so consistently higher than LauraKBuzz's.

  • rolling pin glitch where even after being told off for incorrect inputs, the bread will continue to spread with your inputs (as if a "ghost" rolling pin was still there)

This is hard to explain, but, if you watch my runs you'll see this occur. When rolling the bread, your inputs will still be regarded as valid, even if the game is telling you off for going "too fast!" and has thrown your rolling pin to the seven seas - meaning you can safely ignore the game's speed limits, and go as fast as you please here. On 1.0.2, this is patched, so you have to stay slow, and incorrect inputs may result in being locked out for a couple of seconds. This results in times generally faster performance in this section on 1.0 compared to 1.0.2.

  • more effective bowl skip, where in the liquid mixing minigame

I use the term bowl skip refers to getting the bowl minigame wrong three times instead instead of completing it. When you get a bowl wrong, Mama tells you about this. On 1.0, you can just press the same bowl again near instantly, and be on your way in no time - your time for these minigames is just down to how fast can press A once identifying an incorrect bowl.

On 1.0.2, you have to wait for the telling off about getting it wrong to finish. This is a major glitch, as it means all liquid mixing on 1.0 will be faster than 1.0.2, compounded by the little skill required to execute this trick (majority of the time you can just mash A without even checking if it's incorrect, and just simply give it another go if you accidentally got it right)

There are probably more changed little things like this which I'm not aware of just yet - I've only done a couple of runs! Personally I think we really should have at least a filter on submission time, in the same way we have a tickbox for emulator - preferably though, splitting of categories with Pre1.0.2 and 1.0.2 leaderboards would be ideal, alongside potentially an option for motion-control only runs and any-control-method runs (due to how much slower motion is)

Surrey, England

Yep, myself and VKni discovered this over the past week competing against each other's times in Vegetarian All Recipies Any %. I am at a distinct disadvantage by being on 1.0.2, and the Switch doesn't let you rollback to the original launch version unless you factory reset the console or mod your Switch.

Looking at the existing runs for the game, they all seem to be for 1.0.2 except for VKni's runs.

I'd personally ask we either separate these firmwares into different categories, or amend the run rules to specify version played. This game is highly unlikely to get updated past 1.0.2 due to the legal issues, and everyone can get that version, so maybe we make that a standard to get everyone running on the same playing field?

VKni 喜欢这个
East Sussex, England
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Also, just to make it clear - I would be totally ok for my previous runs to be invalidated under such rules and have to re-run on v1.0.2, given how hard it is to downgrade, just as if I was in the reverse situation it only seems fair.


Is that why your run is not on the leaderboards @VKni? Did they make the consensus that we use v1.0.2 for the runs?


For the new rules- it says for proof do a screen recording on the Switch- wouldn’t it just be on the stream recording? How can I prove I took a screen recording on my Switch? Thanks for helping in advance- wanting to give this a go maybe tomorrow afternoon :)

East Sussex, England
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

We discussed this in the discord, so sorry for not updating the thread!

Current knowledge indicates that v1.0 has the Switch capture disabled. Recording a quick clip on the menu and having the notification pop up should be enough to prove you are playing on v1.0.2 instead of v1.

If you’re using a capture card, just do the recording on the title screen before starting and it will show the little notification in the corner!

United States

The rules were also updated to reflect v1.0.2 being the standard if you click on game rules


Awesome thanks for the reply :D