Timing for NG+ Any%
8 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I am going to finally start doing runs and I was wondering if a consensus was reached on the timing start and stop for this category. I used to start when I clicked "casual" and end on fade to black after final boss. I then was told start time for any% was fade to black after hitting "casual" and end time was after fade to white after final boss text boxes. I think WR is timed from "casual" to the final blow on the boss.

Just wanna be consistent!

United States

Hey there!

I'm a bit newer here so I wasn't around when people were last running NG+ about a year ago. Currently for NG we time from Casual/Expert being selected, and when screen fades to white after Umbra dies.

For the NG+ WR from Zigouigoui, it's a little hard to tell exactly what the start time is, but it does look like it is Starts at Fade to Black after casual is selected, and once Umbra's death starts. If we were to switch the timing to what we currently use in our NG runs, it would be about a 44:22 time. I can't tell what the timing conventions other NG+ runs from a year ago were, but the most recent uses current convention (start when casual selected, ends when screen fades to white).

So use the timing method we are currently using. Start at casual select, end at white screen. I'll talk to the other mods about seeing if any of the old runs need to be updated to match current timing conventions. In any case, welcome and GL on your runs!

Hawaii, USA

44:20 ¤ just did a retiming myself. he doesnt have a timer and that is fine. youtube runs are 100% completely fine it IS indeed SHOULD be from fade to black after starting casual to fade into white after the cutscene with umbra(the one after her defeat).

United States

We talked about it with the runners and we agreed that timer starts on difficulty select, timer ends at the fade to white post-Umbra fight. Rules have been updated to show this just so there isn't any confusing moving forward. Soloman updated Zigouioui's time to reflect slightly updated times. This rule will carry over for any current category of the game, and any future categories of the game.

Massachusetts, USA

Sounds good guys, I like that method anyways. I'll be starting on button press to select casual and ending on fade to white after Umbra text. Thanks!

Pays de la Loire, France

At the start it was timed from selection of casual to the last cutscene start, don't know why but it was decided for NG+ to end on last hit on Umbra. And that the timer i've used. I'll uptade my youtube video to reflect that change.

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