1.0466 - 1 Heavenly Chip (NGC) Route Calculator (By dha)
1.0466 - 1 Heavenly Chip (NGC) Route Calculator (By dha)
更新时间 2 years ago dha

In this spreadsheet you can find the best routes for 1 Heavenly Chip, No GCs (v. 1.0466).

You can optimize your route based on your mouse CPS, adding, selling or removing buildings and upgrades, checking in real-time if you found a better route !

If you find a better route, you can now submit through the form and your name will be highlighted on the spreadsheet itself !

Special thanks to Bluestonex64 who helped on the creation of this version of the sheet.

SPREADSHEET LINK https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JNWrq4H9afsaOpCBOnSJfUA6Ab-1AUfrABZrUb8jnm4/edit?usp=sharing

PYTHON ROUTE OPTIMIZER https://replit.com/@DHASPEEDRUNS/1-heavenly-Chip-NGC?v=1