Skip at the To the Slaughter
5 years ago

Take look at this:

First of all, my route for this mission is to lure 4+ piggies in the first trip and then keep them in check. Notice that I don't skip the cutscene right away. The reason is that if you do this, all the piggies you stunned get magically unstunned and you are still on cooldown so they ride to their freedom. When you wait with skipping the cutscene they are still stunned like usual and your cooldown is passing by like usual. So I skip the cutscene just as the cooldown wears off. By the way, this is the only instance I know of where not skipping a cutscene is benefitial to speedrunning.

So one day i was doing my thing and THIS happened. And it happened 3-4 times to me already, this one being the second one ever. I have no idea how to reproduce it. Any thoughts?

KinzyKenzie 喜欢这个


Looks like its not the cutscene trick that does it. I got a footage where Ophelia grabs second and third piggie simultaneously.

So I had a thought - When Ophelia grabs a pig, it creates one of those collision objects and tests its collision with a pig. So if you can fit more piggies in this collision object, you get the skip. That collision theory would also explain why sometimes nothing happens when she clearly takes a swing at them - it doesn't detect any collision.

Take a note of how I gently pushed those piggies together not knowing that it would end up like this.

Apparently our dawg, Makkebakke, got this skip in his run at ESA 2018. Looks like Ophelia grabs 3rd and 4th one together in this run. Check it out if you are looking for more footage of this skip.

KinzyKenzie Archmagus 喜欢这个
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