Dracula 4
Dracula 4
更新时间 5 years ago BellumZeldaDS

3 February 2019 : I used cheat code to show you the manipulation, it is not easy to explain, and it also allows to train to play without the reveal map

  1. 0:18 - You must kill 500 troops but it is very long, you need your onager for cutting trees to the next part of the mission (invisible cliffs block the way) send Jakub near the camp Turks for distracting the troops, and send Boyars at east of grey city (the troops can destroy your onager by surprise and as you can not see any troops coming, it is best to move the evening primrose and stop manually, be careful sometimes it does not work, try to keep onager for the new glitch found by DeeDarFan)

  2. 2:33 - When you have cut trees, send 10-15 boyars and Jakub at south of map, destroy all building of yellow, mines, mill, villages, and kill units at west but you can't go at north (rocks block the path), after yellow buildings destroyed and purple troops killed you need to wait for collecting 500 kills (12:00 - if you holded your siege unit you can cut trees at the bridge for collecting more kills faster with your boyars)

  3. 13:37 - You need destroying the last village at north and killing last purple units, forge, dock, trade building, market is not necessary but you collect resources for next part

  4. 16:25 (end) - Normal gameplay : the castle and Dracula must survive for 15 minutes IGT (i didn't record this point because i never succeeded and it's ultra hardcore)

  5. Dracula must escape in sewers and joining army, you just need kill your army (you must have 20 pop) and send Dracula in the castle and... GG

=================================================== Update 26 March 2019 :

DeeDarFan found another glitch for skipping the 3rd part of the mission

I removed some trees to show the result after using onager IMAGE : https://prnt.sc/n3a30j

You must force your units to cross the mountain and you can kill the rest of purple units and building of yellow. (save approximately 2 minutes)
