Guide to Aliens 2 FDS
Guide to Aliens 2 FDS
更新时间 9 months ago Tenmicu

This game is an unfinished prototype. Playable from start to finish, but it has lot of broken mechanics to be aware of.

Here are few things to know when speed-running this game.

  • You activate power up with A+B+UP
  • Hold UP+JUMP to do spin jump. It gives you more height. It takes time, but it's necessary in few places
  • You can shoot diagonally holding UP+direction and even Down+right in mid air.
  • Item spawns are static. They don't re-spawn if you backtrack via the door.
  • Game limits on screen alien count to 3. Leave some of them alive on purpose to de-spawn incoming ones.

Jank tech:

  • Shooting low while moving? Press B then quickly press A. Technically you can just mash A+B, but that's bit inconsistent (unless you are using Serbo Rifle, then do mash). Careful around pits, jump has a cool-down.
  • Zip and Wrap to other side? Approach the wall, hold DOWN + direction opposite to the wall. Don't let go early or you will be stuck in the ceiling. If it sometimes don't work just go back and forth to try again.
  • What's with slide after 4 doors in " level 1 "? You first just mash jump while moving to lodge yourself in then hold down+left to slide.
  • Ok, but then you start falling into pit and jump out of it? Drop off then quickly press Down+left+jump. Keep holding directions for a while to zip. This will take some practise, but it's consistent.

Weird broken oddities:

  • Sometimes game just eats your jump input for no reason.
  • Health bar glitches once a while or shows wrong HP value. That's normal.
  • Alien hit you and you lost ALL your health? You were facing left, and sometimes when you face left I-frames don't activate.
  • Some "falling from ceiling " aliens do no damage, some do. Armor prevents damage from some of the aliens. Dripping "water" is also random whatever it works or not.

What about the bosses?:

  • Normal route skips 2 boss fights, yay. You still have to fight 2 tho, boo.
  • Every weapon/grenade deals 1 damage.
  • Fire cannon and Wave laser are slow, but somewhat consistent.
  • Smart gun is hilarious. Worth it to try once for a laugh (gun spawns in "level 0" and "level 3").
  • Serbo Rifle is the fastest, but also misses a lot. More bullets on screen more likely you are to miss, so keep the bursts short.
  • Not a whole lot more to say besides "get lucky". You will lose time, PBs and you have to deal with it, sorry.