New Management
New Management
发布于 5 months ago

Hey everyone! Just passing along a quick update, now that the developer is the new super moderator alongside me and kr1v.

Here's a short list of changes -


  • Changed "Secret Boss%" to "Any%".
  • Added Death%, Crown%, and 100%.
  • Updated wording on rules for each category.
  • Moved most categories (except Any% and 100%) to miscellaneous; this may change in the future, but to keep the submission page clean, they're now set under the dropdown on the category page.


  • Updated wording on rules for each subcategory.
  • Added the "Resolution" subcategory which includes Common (1080p), Low, and Other. Common is determined by the most common monitor resolution and the resolution that the game was designed around. Low is for submissions that deliberately employ low resolution monitors or downscaling to minmax speedrun times, and Other is for any other submission including multi-monitor setups that are not 1080p but are also not deliberately using monitor resolution scaling for specific speedrun advantages.


  • Updated the global submission rules including determining which mod types are allowed/disallowed in speedrun submissions.
  • Updated this page's theme.
  • Added the Windowkill page to the site list.
  • Added the Discord channel to the site list.

As a general note, the Discord's #wk-speedrunning channel is going to be an easier way to engage with the community over the Windowkill forum page. All currents mods are active there, and we'll be able to answer questions about speedrun submissions more readily in that channel. Please follow the server rules if you choose to join.


  • Subcategory "Common (1080p)" has been applied to all orphaned runs due to the addition if this category. If you would like to dispute this to correct the record on any run older than April 10th, 2024, please contact me to fix your run!
Discord Poll | Change Character Subcategory into Annotation

As of posting this, a 2 day poll has been added to the community discord in the #wk-speedrunning channel as a pinned post inquiring about changing the character subcategory into an annotation instead.

SUBCATEGORY (current): Each character has their own leaderboard and is ranked exclusively against

5 months ago
发布于 2 months ago
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发布于 5 months ago
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发布于 5 months ago
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发布于 6 months ago
发布于 6 months ago
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