level runs
5 months ago
United States

@InLikeTheRose when will you add level runs

InLikeTheRose 喜欢这个
United States

@InLikeTheRose when will you add level runs I don't have enough time for full game runs and I was wondering because ei could have enough time for level runs

编辑者 作者 4 months ago
InLikeTheRose 喜欢这个
United Kingdom

Apologies about that, I did add levels when setting the board up but for some reason they're not there. Will look into this

United States

OK it's fine lol

InLikeTheRose 喜欢这个
United Kingdom

All 6 individual level categories are officially on the boards! Have run running, and thanks for your patience!

United States

OK thanks I will get runs in soon​ after I practice some stats I like to do in my normal playthrew​

编辑者 作者 4 months ago
United States

After I get some starts perfected

United States

@InLikeTheRose I also have to ask does each level end when you get back to the ops room

编辑者 作者 4 months ago
United Kingdom

Yeah they do, except for a couple

United States

OK I will probibly do the part 1 levels for awile

United States

@InLikeTheRose where is the end of atrium

United Kingdom

When you get back into the Operations Room and the gate slides up :)) ​

United States

OK thanks I keep getting to rhe ra ger station and can't figure out where the end of it is​

United States

@InLikeTheRose I see something that needs fixed on the leaderboards when I click on submit run it says catagory atrium level atrium so I think In runs it will say atrium atrium

编辑者 作者 4 months ago
United Kingdom

Fixed, thanks for noticing :))

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发布于 4 months ago
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