11 months ago
Michigan, USA

Are we against using turbo for the run? Grinding it out weighs on your hands pretty hard. Wanted to get it discussed first before actually using it. Another option is separating with and without turbo in to sub-categories. I just don't wanna kill my hands; especially after getting a turbo recently for a 5 hour run I do because it was getting to my hands.


I think it would be really good for anyone playing with a controller. I switched to the keyboard because of this and it was a thousand times better. I was able to do several runs in a row without my wrist hurting so much. I don't know if it would be viable, but they could end up separating the runs between those who are playing with a controller and those who are playing on the keyboard, like what happens in some games with different categories for different platforms. Then leave the turbo enabled straight away for those in control.

编辑者 作者 10 months ago

We will discuss it, but if we are going to follow the ruleset of the overall Fnaf series, turbo will not be allowed as it will be hard to verify. Will update you on the decision via the server or the news section of this game.

Icarushollow 喜欢这个
删除者 作者
Michigan, USA

I'll be joining the discord so I can join in on any discussion. I don't see why it would need to be verified whether you use it or not unless you are splitting the board. In the RPG communities like Pokemon and FF, we tend to allow it and without splitting the boards. It really comes down to whether it's an advantage or not. Which the only advantage I see is being able to grind more runs. I just don't see a point in ruining my hands from grinding it out, which is necessary to get a good enough time. I'll stick with whatever the group decision is either way though. I just won't plan to run FiS3 as much if we can't. not worth the damage. My hands were dead for my submission after like 4+ hours, probably lost myself like 30s just from not being able to mash and jump for a couple fights lol

关卡: NSFW Island / Quiz Time with Monty
11m 39s
5 months ago
关卡: NSFW Island / Quiz Time with Monty
关卡: NSFW Island / Quiz Time with Monty
发布于 10 months ago
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